what to use as an estrogen solubilizer?


New member
My synovex and brewing experience (formerly what estrogen solubilizer?)

Hey all

I got a cattle kit to convert for test prop and am excited

Much of what i find online is years old for guides

Is there a recommended estrogen solubilizer to use?

I hear that i should avoid NAOH/sodium hydroxide and get a real estrogen solubilizer for better quality and to avoid going to test base.

Thanks brothers. Enjoy the weekend!
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Not exactly sure, but this is a subject I'm just scratching the surface on, let us know your findings!
Thanks anyhow. Ill keep checking this thread to see if anyone knows....

Most URL are outdated/broken from the several-years-old online guides i find :(

I might end up going with NAOH/sodium hydroxide and making test base out of necessity. That akone is a little difficult to find here in canada but i saw a hardware store carrying it.

Methanol seems to be available here thankfully (used instead of heet yellow bottle which *seems* to only be available in USA)
Damn. Based on what I read test base has a half life of 2-3 HOURS and you need to pin twice a day for best results? Really seems a pain.

Pinning eod aint bad but 4x that? A bit of a bitch.
Thanks anyhow. Ill keep checking this thread to see if anyone knows....

Most URL are outdated/broken from the several-years-old online guides i find :(

I might end up going with NAOH/sodium hydroxide and making test base out of necessity. That akone is a little difficult to find here in canada but i saw a hardware store carrying it.

Methanol seems to be available here thankfully (used instead of heet yellow bottle which *seems* to only be available in USA)

Hey mate,

If you're looking to use an alcohol to dissolve the pellets, you might want to consider rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) instead of Methanol alcohol, because based on what I have read, Methanol is quite toxic:

Good question ? What is the difference between alcohol, Ethanol, denatured alcohol, rubbing alcohol, methanol and isopropyl alcohol? | BrainStuff
By the way, if you know someone in real life who has taken organic chemistry, you might want to ask them about the estrogen solubilizer. They might know.
Thanks so much! Ill definitely look into these both. Rubbing alcohol if less toxic and equally effective is a definite no brainer :)

Thanks brother!!!
Thanks so much! Ill definitely look into these both. Rubbing alcohol if less toxic and equally effective is a definite no brainer :)

Thanks brother!!!
I'm knew to all this, but not chemicals, if you get my drift. This is something that seems safer with another actual chemist next to you as you do this... Seems dangerous
I'm knew to all this, but not chemicals, if you get my drift. This is something that seems safer with another actual chemist next to you as you do this... Seems dangerous

Yea i understand.

Such is why id like a tried and true method to convert a kit to test prop. I dont want any residual and toxic crap left in the homebrew that im going to pin, after all!

I wonder why its no longer talked about. May there are just an abundance of UGL today and gear is more accessible. The cattle kits are still available for test prop but finaplex/tren ace seems to be unavailable...
Well I started the process last night.

Crushed up a half cart of synovex h which has 10 grams of prop and 1 gram of estrogen lol.

I used 99.9% methtyl hydrate as it was readily available. This is the same chem as methanol just another name from what i can tell. This is 'heet'.

In 8 hours the dissolving has gone fairly well. Going to leave it until this evening.

I got all other supplies on deck.

Grapeaeed oil, ba, bb, distilled water, sterilized vials, glassware for mixing and whataman filters out the yingyang and large syringes. I only ned to grab some 18ga pins somewhere....ill try pharmacy. Hopefully i can buy singles and not 100..

This is for personal use only. But going to relish knowing I had a hand in it :)

Ill keep you posted on how it turns out. If i grow tits you know i did it wrong ;)
Around 13 hours in and its dissolved quite well. Going to leave it another 4 or 5 hours.

I found a forum posting that suggested .4 grams of sodium hydroxide with 75ml of distilled water mixed in for an hour is eough to strip the estro but not the prop ester. This is instead of a super saturated sodium hydroxide/naoh soluion which would undoubtedly give me test base. Here is hoping that method works...i want prop not base ;)
Finished dissolving in the methyl hydrate. Filtered it. Added .4 g of naoh and 25ml distilled water as an estro solubilizer and waiting another 20minutes now (of 60) for the estro solubilization. I found that the solution went from cloudy to clear with the naoh+distilled water bit.

After that, 500ml of distilled water over an hour and some use of the fridge to see if i can make some pretty test prop crystals form. Then filter out the test prop and wash with 1.5 gal of distilled water and laying it out to dry!

Heres to hoping it works. Perhaps later this week I can brew ;)
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I hope this can be filtered. Its like a huge jar of chunky bull semen :jump:

Adding the distilled water is definitely doing something!
Well it actually filtered alright! I was worried that it was so chunky it would gum up the filter immediately. Not so!

I flushed it with just shy of 2gallons distilled water and laid it out to dry and spred it/chopped it. Its drying and they are in fact crystals....yay

Ill probably let it dry to saturday just to be safe and then brew over the weekend. I got my whatmans, grapeseed, bb and ba, some 21g pins and larger syringes and mixing bottle. Cant wait to have my own prop to try ;)
18 hours of drying and its come along pretty well. I am going to leave it ~60 hours total. Should be dry as a bone then.

The test continues to shrink in size as the moisture leaves.

Sorry for the play by play. I feel like a kid on Christmas ;)