What to use when time between cycles is only 6 weeks?


New member
Hi guys,

ive been running test. 600mg/w for 10 weeks and test. 400/w for 4 weeks. Should I carry out PCT procedures with HCG and Nolva, or use only Proviron if my next cycle starts in 6 weeks? (Test, deca, dbol)

what are you doing to yourself mate ?
you need to run pct and recover take time off and then cycle later, if you bridge into the test/decadbol i think you will damage yourself.
apologies if you are a seasoned vet, but i am generally concerned here.

why did you lower the test dosage ?
have you gotten blood work done ?
what are your stats age etc ?
what is your entire pct protocol ?
what ai's, serms, products etc do you run and have ?

not being a dick but i need to know to advice you best.
Time on = time off. 6wks is way too short of a time to take off between cycles especially when you ran a 14wk cycle and pct takes 4wks. That means you should take 18wks off. If you are a vet, and know what your doing (which I assume your not or you wouldn't be asking this question), then there would be no point in doing post cycle therapy (pct). Rather cruise on 2-300mg of test and get bloodwork, bloodwork, bloodwork.
Yes time on- time off. But that doesent work in my case, because dreams are bigger than just gaining a little muscle. Being off cycle for 3 months is out of the question, because 2-3 cycles must be ran next year. Dont want to gain slowly and steadily. "Monsters arent created like that".
I am 20 years old, 199 pounds, 13% bodyfat. Lifting for 5 years.
Bloodwork showed no anomalities that I need to be concerned of according to doctor.
PCT would be : HCG for 1.5 weeks, from second week Nolva (40/40/20/20)
And during next cycle arimidex will be used as well.

Advice I need is how to go from one cycle to another.

No need to judge
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Yes time on- time off. But that doesent work in my case, because dreams are bigger than just gaining a little muscle. Being off cycle for 3 months is out of the question, because 2-3 cycles must be ran next year. Dont want to gain slowly and steadily. "Monsters arent created like that".
I am 20 years old, 199 pounds, 13% bodyfat. Lifting for 5 years.
Bloodwork showed no anomalities that I need to be concerned of according to doctor.
PCT would be : HCG for 1.5 weeks, from second week Nolva (40/40/20/20)
And during next cycle arimidex will be used as well.

Advice I need is how to go from one cycle to another.

No need to judge

Bro, you're too young to even be cycling, let alone go from one cycle to the next with no recovery period. If you continue like that, expect to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life.
Yes, too young to be on juice I agree, but I am a competitor as well, so I believe things are a little different.
Got some advice from a vet, so I am going to run provrion with high doses of tribulus for 1.5 months. Then run test, dbol and deca and after that cycle do a full pct.
If you've already decided upon this and the risks then why not cruise on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doses then blast after about 8 weeks at that then run full pct
Yes, too young to be on juice I agree, but I am a competitor as well, so I believe things are a little different.
Got some advice from a vet, so I am going to run provrion with high doses of tribulus for 1.5 months. Then run test, dbol and deca and after that cycle do a full pct.

you are a train wreck waiting to happen and the earlier you start the more your cutting yourself short in the long run, what you are suggesting is rediculous, competitor or not and no board/people anywhere will condone what you are doing, i seriously advise you to have a think and get your priorities in order.
Your talking "cruise" timelines here. You can safely cycle 2 cycles next year.

With 3 cycles planned for next year, no reason to come off but again too young to cruise as you will regret that decision later in life without a doubt.