Whats Going On


Valley Of The Giants
*I have hella gear and I am ready to start my cycle but I also have a high body fat. I was told by someone on here fat turns into estrogen if you juice. I have been dieting to my best with 2 myoplex deluxe and the other protein from chicken, fish and steak. My workouts are 3 days a week 1-2 hours 2 body parts per workout and now I am starting to do cardio 2-3 times a week. My problem is the fat is not going away on my chest and stomach.
*Also a couple of weeks ago I weighed 200lbs and was getting hella strong then I lost 12lbs and 15-20-lbs of strength and I wasn’t doing cardio then.
I have Clenbutrol do you think I should use it before starting my cycle despite that people use it for after cycle.
What am I doing wrong? Am I not workingout enough or to hard..
dude, you gotta get on a hellagoooooooooooood diet first. if you dont know exactly what your putting in your body dont even start gear yet. get a good diet down, it sounds like your 200 lbs with fat, maybe 20%? it doesnt sound like you are very confident in what you are doing. if i were you id get a good diet down, for a 200 lb person whos not at 10% body fat you looking at close to 3000 cals even to cut, it sounds like alot but if you eat clean, you will notice that your diet will do most of the work for you outside of the gym. like everyone else that replies to this is going to want to know..
body fat
besides that my advice is hold off on you gear because it sounds like your diet is bunk. along with your workout routine, you didnt make it too specific as far as your split. get on a good workout split, and on the right diet. maintain it for a good 3-4 months and monitor your results. if your young dont do juice, sorry but every one will agree with me. your still growing and theres no point in doing gear, i know ti seems like the best thing you could ever do right now, but you will regret every minute of it later on, when you get a good diet and a good routine and grow off that and just wonder, damn, if i was doing this when i juiced id look amazing. read, read,read these people on these board arent stupid. they have something alot of us dont under their belts. time, and experience
im from cali so i can talk lik e a surf3r
Thanks for the advise,
I haven't started my cycle yet because I am trying to lose the fat and now I am eating a little bit better from chicken breast, brochelli, oatmeal, egg whites, myoplex deluxe, steak, rice, etc. I am 29yrs so I think I am at the right age to juice and as for my workout routine I workout on two muscle groups at least three times a week. Everybody says when you workout you should only spend at least 45 minutes but I spend at least 1-2hrs. I also workout after work which is around 5:20pm
my stats:
waist 34-36"
no sure what my body fat is but most of it is in my stomach and chest. My back has no fat or do my legs. I have the hardest time trying to lose the fat on my stomach and chest but I do cardio at least 2-3 times weekly like running for 23 minutes. When I was at 200lbs everyone said I looked buff but it looked like I had a one pack instead of a six pack. As of now I am taking clenbutrol to help with the fat burn but it's making me very jittery.

:bigok: No disrespect for the middle fingers, I thought I wasn't being taking serious. The last thing I need is an enemy in a place of knowledge.
why are you takin clen when you dont have a proper diet, muscle loss is one of the side effects of clen, therefor you should have updated your diet for your clen cycle. i did it and it was a waste of my time because i sounded like you a year ago and thought i knew what i was doing. you need to plan everything before you do it, get on strict diet that coincides with your goals and when you cut really cut dont just think you have a clean diet and take some clen, and when you bulk really bulk dont the the little in between thing. if i were you id stop the clen and save your headaches and all until you find out what makes your body tick. keep asking questions
as far as cutting remember
energy in = energy out
if your gonna cut E in <E out
law of thermodynamics
youll get all this figured out soon
Bro, generally speaking you gotta do a cutter first(naturally) then bulk once you've minimized body fat. Few people successfully bulk while they are fat then cut and not lose muscle. If you do that then all the money you spent on the gear will be wasted. And the fat will not turn into est. Theyare two totally different compounds.
boricuaitaliano said:
*I have hella gear and I am ready to start my cycle but I also have a high body fat. I was told by someone on here fat turns into estrogen if you juice. I have been dieting to my best with 2 myoplex deluxe and the other protein from chicken, fish and steak. My workouts are 3 days a week 1-2 hours 2 body parts per workout and now I am starting to do cardio 2-3 times a week. My problem is the fat is not going away on my chest and stomach.
*Also a couple of weeks ago I weighed 200lbs and was getting hella strong then I lost 12lbs and 15-20-lbs of strength and I wasn’t doing cardio then.
I have Clenbutrol do you think I should use it before starting my cycle despite that people use it for after cycle.
What am I doing wrong? Am I not workingout enough or to hard..
As far as the " fat turns to estrogen " thing, that isn't true. What are your goals from the cycle of "hella gear"? Let me guess, you want to get bigger and cut up at the same time.... Who doesn't. The thing is that it is much easier to do one thing OR the other. You CAN do both at the same time, but you're gonna have to monitor your diet down to the calorie. With it already being almost April, I say begin cutting. You can use your hella gear for that and bulk next winter. Cardio 4-5 times/week no less than 30mins @ 60-70% MHR. Eliminate ALL simple sugars (except in your PWO shake). I'm not gonna write 5 pages on how to lean out, but you get the idea...
Big Help!

I have been struggling for a long time with diet and exercise and keep getting distracted by listening to what people tell me whats best.
Now I need a favor from everyone who responded on here...Can someone help me from diet to exercise routines and best time to workout. I am seriously lost and confused with all this research from different people. One person mentioned Clenbutrol causes muscle loss...I would of never knew that.
I just need help with a routine like cardio X week, workout routine X week and calories along with acceptable meals. By the way I use this thing today to test my body fat and it said I was at 19%.
Also if I have fat on my nipples how can I get rid of that and no it's not bitch titts..I hope :dunno: There not Hella (lol) big, its just fat.
Sorry to lazy to do a spell check
boricuaitaliano said:
Big Help!

I have been struggling for a long time with diet and exercise and keep getting distracted by listening to what people tell me whats best.
Now I need a favor from everyone who responded on here...Can someone help me from diet to exercise routines and best time to workout. I am seriously lost and confused with all this research from different people. One person mentioned Clenbutrol causes muscle loss...I would of never knew that.
I just need help with a routine like cardio X week, workout routine X week and calories along with acceptable meals. By the way I use this thing today to test my body fat and it said I was at 19%.
Also if I have fat on my nipples how can I get rid of that and no it's not bitch titts..I hope :dunno: There not Hella (lol) big, its just fat.
Sorry to lazy to do a spell check
Ok, one thing at a time. As far as weight training goes, I like the DC method: http://steroidology.com/forum/showthread.php?t=42910 if you need more info on it go to www.intensemuscle.com .
The cardio like I said above: 220-age*.7 for at LEAST 30 mins.
As far as diets go, I believe you can research this forum and develop one that suits you.
Your fat tits will fade with bodyfat loss. If you're gonna take the hella gear, use Arimidex or letro to help with any estrogen related sides. Good luck.
You guys been hella helpful or should I say very helpful. I have been losing the weight slowly but will get there eventually and all I need is to lose 10lbs try to get to 175lbs. Thanks for those links and and advise to those I could understand. I guess we are all looking out for eachother, wish you went to the gym I went to.
Thanks again