whats the best diet to lose 30-50 pounds?


I need to lose weight and gain speed for line backer this year? got any tips on what I should do what i should eat? I was thinking about goin on a diet and running stairs and a mile for a couple of months with a strict diet. but i dont kno anything about diets and which one is best for losing weight...
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The one you stick with. You'll want to eat multiple times a day, small meals, do lots of cardio.

Eat good carbs, lean proteins good fats. Check 3Js sticky thread there are some sample diets and sample food choices.
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Maybe ketogenic diet... I may begin this diet myself to trim down some fat.

You have to figure what your lean body weight is and do some calculations to figure your caloric intake. Also figure the amount in grams of protein and fat... you consume no carbs on this diet, except on your carb reloading (1.5 days). Its high protein and fat all dependent upon your lean body weight. Maybe they have some sample diets here for that. Not sure, Im about to look. Ive been eating a wrong diet for my body, so Im going to try keto... It may work for you.