Whats the consensus about mk677 in cap form?


New member
I was at a store by my house the other day and saw mk677 from a company called centurian labs. The guy who worked there (huge guy) said hes been taking the mk677 for a few months and he says its good. I also read that mk677 is bunk in pill form and liquid is the only active for of it however the liquid mk677 I have (nutrobal) tastes like gasoline and it too hard to stomach and leaves a terrible aftertaste for hours.

Whats the consensus here on liquid mk677 vs capped form?
I used/am using the rui liquid and it is def gtg. I take it like all my liquid orals, on back of tongue followed immediately by large swig of water. I dont even have a chance to taste it man. The reason I went with them (rui) isnt because its liquid it is just because I trust them and I knew their stuff would be legit (which it is).
supplements in pill form in a supplement store, technically, are manufactured for human consumption.. Well, technically, SARMS are NOT for human consumption - for research only. So, what are you actually getting in those pills? Is it really a sarm, or is it maybe a ph? Oh, and not to be a dick, but the guy working in that store would probably tell you he took anything you pointed at just to get your sale..

Like Jimi says, find a way to take them & you'll be all set. Personally, I use Sarmssearch products and don't have any issues w/ the taste. I guess over the years, I just get used to it. BUT - I do know that I'm getting the best quality sarms on the market!
Agree with the guys above^

i wouldent trust much of anything those people in those stores try to push, specially in your case.
other than a reply to "whats on sale?" I have no interest in what they have to say to me.

I would rec RUI since I use them often. its not soo much about pills or liquid being better, its the place selling it and how . RUI i trust. I sure as heck dont trust a SARM (which its not really a SARM BTW) MK667 thats right now only for research use, to be sold as a supplement in a store that anyone could walk in and buy. specially teens... either its BS, a PH or it is the MK and they are selling it recklessly and that alone would make me question the quality.

just do your OWN research before you buy, your GTG with one of our sponsors here, that i can say. but where ever you do go know that this is not a OTC supp and i would question anyone selling it as such.
To beat the dead horse, SARMs are not legal to sell or buy for human consumption. Pills and capsules strongly imply human consumption (so much so that the courts say they are synonymous unless you buy them directly from a veterinarian). Since it is 100% legal to sell and buy SARMs in liquid form there is no chance the selling company can be busted by law enforcement. So you have to wonder what is actually IN those pills and capsules, since it is illegal for there to be a SARM in them. It COULD be a SARM, but the company selling them is risking jail time and you are too for buying them.

Go safe, buy liquid. I use SarmsSearch and I love them. Others use RUI. Both are good companies you can trust. Personally, I like using a SARMs only company for my SARMs (SarmsSearch) and RUI for other needs (such as Prami, etc).
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These guys are spot on. Liquid Research grade is the way to go. Capsules could be filled with rice powder for all we know. Could even be AAS in there. Stick with the tried and true method of purchasing SARMS.
The reason that one supplement company is suing a bunch of other supplement companies is because they were selling Sarms in capsule form. These companies that are getting sued probably relied on the fact that the label says "Not for human consumption". It's not that caps can't have the active ingredient in them, there could very well be some bunk ones, but some pretty big names were selling Sarms in cap form. The reason that one company is suing all the others is because they said that it was unfair competition. It's more of a legal issue and competition between these supplement companies that the one doing the suing is trying to gain an advantage by suing everybody. It's not the government that went after these companies, it's this one supplement company.