whats the least amount of


Community Veteran
ba you can get away with when making prop-- trying a little experimenting since i have a shit load of powder:)
was thinking

20 mls -- 100 per--2% ba--6% bb-- will this work?? if not what do i need to change--

will also be making 50 ml's enanthate - 250 per -- same percentages
House1, have you tried the solution from Dazed kits?? If you're shooting for painless injects his stuff is supposed to be the shit.
Sweet, PM me once you've made a batch up and let me know how it worked out for you. I'm planning on making some prop from synovex with that same solution so I'm a bit curious as to just how good it is.
house, I would like to know how you make out as well. Found a reliable powder source. The cost savings are definitely worth considering...