What's the way to do it?


New member
I'll have been working out for almost 2 years now, and I still don't get the results... I'm getting tired of busting my ass and nothing happens. Is there something, some supplment, that help me to get big. I'm about to quit all of this, cause i'm getting tire.
what are your goals?
how is your diet?
how do you train?

oh but to answer your question...yes...theyre called drugs.

My goals are: loose atleast 5 pounds of fat, and encrease my muscle mass.

My diet is:

Morning - 2 coffee cups (sugar & cream) - 1 cokie or a cup of cereal. Don't have enough time to prepare a big breakfast.

Lunch - rise, beans, steack or chiken or fish sometimes, a diet coke, Salad.
at least junk food 1 time a week... reason: my mork.

Evening - Most of the time i don't eat at night.

My rutine:

Monday - Biceps
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Back
Thursday - Triceps / shoulders
Friday - Legs

I know all of this is not the correct way to do it, but i just not know the right way to do it.

I'll thanks all the help everybody can give me.
I suggest you spend some time reading threads in the diet forum as well as the training forum.

Once you have done some research, we can clear up a few things for you.

Right now your diet is a total mess and I bet your training isn't much better.
The last five to ten pounds are always the hardest to come off. Don't get discouraged yet, work on your diet. Eat a lot of protien, and if you are serious about loosing the last few lbs you will spread your meals out to six a day. You need to fix your diet before supplementing will really be able to help you.
Easto said:
Right now your diet is a total mess and I bet your training isn't much better.

looks to me like youre eating one meal and a cookie. You need to change that to 5-6 meals, protein at every meal, carbs around workouts, and healthy fats and veggies at all other meals. I suggest losing the weight you want to lose first, then worry about gaining muscle. Read the cutting sticky, find a good training split, and go from there.
Diet, diet, diet. I guarantee you if you were on 2 grams of test/week and some dbol, you wouldn't notice much difference with the diet you posted up.

Diet is the be-all, end-all of results. Your training is just a stimulus for your body to be 'open' to growth, but without growth-fuel at regular intervals, your body's main function is survival, not mass building.

Take out a piece of paper, like a yellow 4"x4" post-it note, write down in bold letters with a marker, 5-6 meals per day along with regular workouts is the pathway to achieve my goals I have for my body.'

The neat thing is that it works regardless whether you want to gain weight or lose fat.

It is very simple to map out what you need to do to achieve your goals, but that doesn't mean it is easy. If it were, every guy you'd meet would have 6 pack abs and be able to deadlift small vehicles. It's much easier to say, 'I could look like that if I did steroids, too.' Which of course they would still look like a bucket of shit, but hey, it's their delusion.
bro, you are honestly not eating anything. Step back and take another look at your diet you posted. I would probably vomit and pass out on that diet from starvation. I know this is been said a million times in this fourm but the truth is the truth. I have never looked better then when my diet is on the money. It makes a world of a difference. Honestly, I bet if you stopped working out completely and dialed your diet to a tee you would probably look 100% better then what you have now! LOl, not sure how you even have enough energy to go to work let alone the gym