Whats your Pre workout meal?


New member
I normally go for a solid meal, low GI carbs + slow digesting protein,

for example 150g chicken fillet + 75g basmati rice (as slow digesting as brown rice)


150g chicken fillet + 75g whole wheat pasta


150g chicken fillet + 2 slices wholemeal

Now ive heard a lot of people talk about using simple carbs before your workout but to me this doesnt make any sense as you want sustained energy throughout the duration of your workout so you can still lift heavy towards the end

So as above please,

What is YOUR pre workout meal and what are your reasons, many thanks
I'm in the gym at 5am. Therefore, I just try to guzzle some coffee on my way there. I do eat IMMEDIATELY after though.
7 egg whites+2 whole eggs+red, orange, and green peppers, 69g oatmeal w/ cinnamon.

Im losing some weight right now, but when i start gaining weight it will be the same meal, just more of it.
XTRDX said:
I'm in the gym at 5am. Therefore, I just try to guzzle some coffee on my way there. I do eat IMMEDIATELY after though.

my situation is very similar in that I am in the gym at 6 a.m.
I try to get a cup of coffee made to drink on the way in but sometimes I am just running late and I just grab a bottle of water. Eating before I workout makes me feel sick.

Overall I have pretty good workouts and have hit all new highs on exercises. I usually will follow up with 45 minutes of cardio. I have a shake or a meal right after my shower.
Something extremely light. Usually egg whites (drinking them) or chicken breast and maybe oatmeal or flax oil. I hate eating a large meal before training. Just can't train properly on a full stomach.
A protein bar about 2 hrs before i lift (mid-afternoon). It's quick n' easy
i just pour a pack of oatmeal in some water, and some whey and drink it, then i have a energy drink on the way... i know their expensive, but its my only bad habit. i thought carbs were more important as far as pre workout food...
rookie03 said:
i just pour a pack of oatmeal in some water, and some whey and drink it, then i have a energy drink on the way... i know their expensive, but its my only bad habit. i thought carbs were more important as far as pre workout food...
im not a fan of energy drinks...unless youre talking the low carb kind, they are all sugar. The oatmeal would be plenty for energy during a workout, assuming youre getting enough of it, i dont know how much oatmeal is in the packets. btw...the packets are usually filled with sugar too btw...but if its working for you, then go nuts, but i would probably get fat from sugary oatmeal packets and energy drinks.
I've said this in other posts and i'll say it again here FRUIT PREWORKOUT!!!!!!

1 cup Oatmeal + (Bananna or Granny smith Apple)
Lean protein Source

if any of you would take the time to look at the digestion of fruit you would see that the most readily available energy source is stored liver glycogen!!

What do we know fruit is good for?? Figure that out and you'll have your answer.
I have a large meal consisting of Low GI carbs and protein about 2 hours before I workout. Then during my workout, I drink something with really high GI carbs (like gatorade) I find it helps me keep energy levels up.

And i'm pretty sure the fruit thing is good before a workout, I'm gonna give it a try. Franco Columbu really insisted on this, as he explains in his book...

BTW...if you want to read a really good book get his diet book. Explains fuckin everything! Can't remember what it's called though....
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