when cutting carbs

so juss to be clear, i can have greens veggies but cannot eat starches?
what about nuts?

Great afternoon or evening snack, just don't go nuts :tounge2:...they are healthy fats, and contain very little carbohydrates. You can eat plenty of grrem veggies (broccoli, zuchinni, lettuce, etc.), eat 2 cups for dinner with your protein source, in place of your carbs. Are you cycling them?
Great afternoon or evening snack, just don't go nuts :tounge2:...they are healthy fats, and contain very little carbohydrates. You can eat plenty of grrem veggies (broccoli, zuchinni, lettuce, etc.), eat 2 cups for dinner with your protein source, in place of your carbs. Are you cycling them?

I actually just started cutting carbs completely, i was already on fairly low carbs, im in the process of losing weight and im really close to my goal, and was hoping if I cut carbs this week completely i might b able to lose 10 lbs this week, (lost 3 lbs last night)
but was thinking of cyclying it week off week on, but i wanna do it correctly.
u want to lose 10lbs in a week??

im trying to lol, ive lost 8 before, imma go for ten, its all fat tho bro I still have fat around my midsection that im trying to burn off , im estimating myself at 25% bf and i can almost assure 15 percent of that is on my belly lol
that is going to do NOTHING for your goals..

most of that will be water weight and muscle that you lose.. thats not the right way to go about doing things