When done responsibly, how safe is a cycle?


New member
I didn't know where else to post this so I thought I'd post this here for you veterans of cycling. Total NOOB question, but from your experience, how safe is a cycle if done responsibly once a year?

I ask because there is so much mixed info out there and I don't know what is valid and what is not.

For the record, I been training for 12+ years, I'm 28 now and I had my first cycle of Test-E and Deca last year. I gained 15 lbs, and kept 12. I have been training since and I'm getting the itch to go on again but I keep reading a lot about affects on your heart as you age. I'm sure this Q will be ignored by most, but I'd highly appreciate any info. So how safe is it to do the 'occasional' once a year cycle?

I've wondered the same thing myself. Unfortunately there hasnt been a tremendous amount of research on the long lasting effects of steroid use. At least nothing I have come across. There are always those who blame the health problems of known users who juice to the steroids they were taking, but often those people take a higher dosage of what others do. I think it's also important to note that there is no proof that the steroids ALONE caused the health problems as there is often other contributing factors as well. That being said, I believe it all comes down to the individual. We are all built different and our bodies respond differently. For example take someone who gets lung cancer after only 2 years of smoking versus someone who has been smoking for 15+ years who does not have it. I have thought about pursuing this question and trying to find medical journals in other parts of the world where steroid use is not prohibiting. I thought maybe the medical practitioners in those areas may have done some research to back up one side or the other. Obviously I haven't gotten around to it or I would have some concrete information to reply to you with haha. My advice would be just to hit up the doc before and after your cycle and make sure everything is still fuctioning properly and you don't have any major reactions such as enlargement of the heart or showing signs of premature organ damage. I think a slight increase in blood pressure is probable, but in most cases that can be easily fixed. With all that said, there are always risks when cycling, but luckily youre a member of an awesome site that has a ton of knowledgable people who are older and can help you out with anything that pops up!!!
I could responsibly cross the street and get splattered all over the place,there are risks in everything especially with drugs of any sort
I've got some research for you guys, myself and a few other old men who have been using since the 1970's and are still healthy and strong today.

Does that mean it is safe? absolutely not!!

One cycle can alter your bodies natural ability to produce it's own testosterone forever even after 1 cycle, the risks are low for this to happen but I've known of several cases!

Then there is the fact that steroids are addictive! If you think they aren't maybe it is time for you to wake up and smell the coffee

With the bad there is also good! play smart with dosages and the compounds you use. Take plenty of time off between cycles. The more time off between cycles the better for your health.

Do blood work often!!
I've got some research for you guys, myself and a few other old men who have been using since the 1970's and are still healthy and strong today.

Does that mean it is safe? absolutely not!!

One cycle can alter your bodies natural ability to produce it's own testosterone forever even after 1 cycle, the risks are low for this to happen but I've known of several cases!

Then there is the fact that steroids are addictive! If you think they aren't maybe it is time for you to wake up and smell the coffee

With the bad there is also good! play smart with dosages and the compounds you use. Take plenty of time off between cycles. The more time off between cycles the better for your health.

Do blood work often!!

Thank you Zeek, I posted on your public profile as well. I guess I want some assurance about my second cycle, its literally been a year I'm off. I got blood work on my kidney, hemoglobin, liver, etc and I was told all levels looked normal. I'm also working out hard for health benefits, so I am not sure if cycling contradicts that purpose.

I guess I want reassurance on something that has none