When to do blood work at end of cycle


New member
I have just finished a cycle of test 400mg week 1 – 12, deca 300mg week 1 – 10 and dianabol 40mg per day for first 4 weeks as a kick start. After some advice on another thread I have adjusted my PCT to clomid 100/100/50/50 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20.

However having red some other posts I was wondering if I should get blood work done now or after PCT ?
If now before PCT what indicators should I be looking for?
to see if recovered? then i would say 1-2 month AFTER PCT great to show if recovered and what not. I would say couple months after PCT to do it. if the SERMS are still in system then its not really that .
but before cycle, mid way and couple months after to be best way to do it. good to keep an eye on things and get used to your numbers and better spot any issues or things changing.