When to start next cycle ?


New member
I'm about to start my pct for the following week coming up , just a noob question can I still be working out while on pct and how long must I wait until I can jump on another cycle ? Or if you have the link with that info can you provide it I couldn't find it :/
You not only can, you MUST if you want to keep you gains...

And as far as time goes, cycle + PCT = time off.
Definitely work just as hard on pct as u were on cycle to keep gains... and ya recommend to take as much time off as u were on
no to bust your chops or anything but questions like this are things you should already know if you have decided to jump on AAS. i am glad you asked and these guys gave you the correct answer (20 weeks) but if you are going to put compounds into your body that can potentially change your life (for good or for bad), you should have researched all of this. but good luck work out as hard if not harder when you come off cycle.
cycle was 16 weeks. PCT should be 4 weeks. 16+4=20. 20=time off. keep the weights heavy in pct and keep bustin ass.
IMO if you aren't willing to wait after PCT to let your body recover properly, you should be blast & cruising anyways.

Not a decision to take lightly but there's no point in coming off if you aren't going to actually give your body a break - you're just putting it through a hormonal rollercoaster for no reason.
Your right I didn't do enough research I should have done more it just never crossed my mind that you actually take breaks on the juice .. I guess on the bright side I can have time to save $$ for the next cycle lol