Where does 'ology stand on IIFYM?

Some ppl can't. If you're better abstaining and you know this more power to you brother. Whatever it takes (within reason of course) to get you to your goals :)
As long as it doesn't involve cheesecake, it's all good. ;) Shit's like my kryptonite, I swear!

In all honesty, I respect Jason's opinion on a lot of subjects. Only seen his YT vids, never knew he was on bb.com. I feel like he's one of the few "gurus" on there that actually shoots shit straight. He's also very avid about bringing the whole "fake natty" ordeal to light. Seems like he's afraid to call out other youtubers though. He did explain if he were to call anyone out, he's lose his partnership due to "slander". I feel like the majority of the fitness guys on there are not natty. Regardless of what "natural" fed they compete in.
ALSO, tell me why Marc Lobliner who is on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and admits to blasting / cruising runs a natty fed?? That doesn't make sense.

In all honesty, I respect Jason's opinion on a lot of subjects. Only seen his YT vids, never knew he was on bb.com. I feel like he's one of the few "gurus" on there that actually shoots shit straight. He's also very avid about bringing the whole "fake natty" ordeal to light. Seems like he's afraid to call out other youtubers though. He did explain if he were to call anyone out, he's lose his partnership due to "slander". I feel like the majority of the fitness guys on there are not natty. Regardless of what "natural" fed they compete in.

Jason was a pretty smart guy but i haven't seen him since he got that YouTube thing. Heard he got kicked out of his gym for AAS use or something and is building his own home gym. Good for him!
I believe he has a video on that... which is odd, since where he lives it's legal to use AAS. You should watch his vids. "Hold on, let me give you guys a bicep shot first"
Jason's signature pose lol

It was an unfortunate decision for him to be trolling as much as he was on the bb.com forums.
If you're trying to make a name for yourself and looking to earn money, it's best to be credible.
If this thread was on paper I would burn it. Iffym is crap. The only people that can run iifym are those who know how to run a clean diet and implement that clean diet in the first place which pretty much means the traditional type of dieting with cheats. The thing that bugs me the most about it is the equivalency of effect from different sources of food. Not all carbs fats and proteins are created equal. It's also about what you eat. That's ologys stand on iifym
If this thread was on paper I would burn it. Iffym is crap. The only people that can run iifym are those who know how to run a clean diet and implement that clean diet in the first place which pretty much means the traditional type of dieting with cheats. The thing that bugs me the most about it is the equivalency of effect from different sources of food. Not all carbs fats and proteins are created equal. It's also about what you eat. That's ologys stand on iifym

I can agree with this to an extent 3J. I respect and value your opinion but I think there's a misconception of what IIFYM OR DCA really is. It is NOT an excuse to eat junk food all day and hit your protein goals with 6 shakes. Everyone who calculates macros and fills them is doing IIFYM. The only difference is the perception of filling those macros with "clean" or "dirty" foods, I don't buy in to the clean and dirty label but that's a different argument. You're fitting foods into your macros like everyone else regardless of the particular foods you choose to fill them with, hence anyone calculatin macros and sticking to them is doing IIFYM or DCA. IIFYM means to calculate macros, pick mostly whole and minimally processed foods to fill those macros bc micronutrients are important as well and with any left over calories you have options of what to eat. It's about eating foods you enjoy rather than foods you hate. It doesn't have to be substituting oats and chicken for candy and whey. It could be something as simple as if you want a ribeye or a cut of meat that's fattier than what typical BB'ers use such as a London broil or top round, do so and cut some fat out from other meals to compensate while keeping the macros the same. If someone calculates macros and fills them with food they ARE doing IIFYM, not the bastardized version that some extremists tend to propose where it's candy as your sole carb macro or some other such nonsense. You could have candy and still fill your macro and micro needs but by eating all candy it makes it impossible and therefor not IIFYM. Hope that clarifies it and my thoughts somewhat.
Dre you virtually repeated what I said lol. It's clean eating plus cheating a little. No matter what that cheat is. By clean eating I mean your not eating lard for fat and and pop tarts to completely fill your carbs.

I don't care what anyone says carbs from a pop tart affect your body in a much different way then carbs from a sweet potato. The latter is much more beneficial in many ways make the argument of a carb is a carb worthless

If someone is an average Joe and wants to cheat a little because he hasn't hit his total calorie count yet has hit minimal optimal macros I wouldn't come down on him

But this type of dieting is not for the very serious. The very serious understand that every alorie and every macro should be used to the most optimal manner. Ice cream pop tarts and pizza do not fall under that category period.
Furthermore you cannot promote a dieting philosophy when 90 percent of people who run it abuse the system that it is based on. We are talking the big picture. Nothing pisses me off more then those douche bags on that website coming in here and promoting this shit telling me they are eating snickers and ice cream all day.
I think part of the problem is like mentioned before, that forum is full of people with nothing better to do than post. The misc has spilled over into the other sections and the trolls run rampant.

3J I was glad you chimed in on this thread, I've seen some of the transformations of your network members.
Impressive work. I'll look like them some day, I just need to keep on the right track.

It's interesting to see what other forums think about things like this that come from other sources.
IIFYM is so deeply ingrained over there it's like gospel, you're either following IIFYM or doing it wrong.

80/20 is imho, still more important than whatever you decide to call your diet philosophy.
Hit your macros + calories with whole and minimally processed foods, train hard, recover and succeed.
Saying it is the easy part :spin:
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I think part of the problem is like mentioned before, that forum is full of people with nothing better to do than post. The misc has spilled over into the other sections and the trolls run rampant.

3J I was glad you chimed in on this thread, I've seen some of the transformations of your network members.
Impressive work. I'll look like them some day, I just need to keep on the right track.

It's interesting to see what other forums think about things like this that come from other sources.
IIFYM is so deeply ingrained over there it's like gospel, you're either following IIFYM or doing it wrong.

80/20 is imho, still more important than whatever you decide to call your diet philosophy.
Hit your macros + calories with whole and minimally processed foods, train hard, recover and succeed.
Saying it is the easy part :spin:

If you're consciously calculating caloric and macro needs and filling them with food you're doing it. If you choose chicken and brocolli are you still not fitting it in your macros? I agree with you as to the issue of the miscers but that doesn't take away from the efficacy of the principle, it just tells you something abou the miscers.
If you're consciously calculating caloric and macro needs and filling them with food you're doing it. If you choose chicken and brocolli are you still not fitting it in your macros? I agree with you as to the issue of the miscers but that doesn't take away from the efficacy of the principle, it just tells you something abou the miscers.

Ain't that the truth.
I've racked up over 2000 posts over there and not a single one in the misc.
Tis a silly place.

imho, the misc is more akin to 4chan than bodybuilding.
Ain't that the truth.
I've racked up over 2000 posts over there and not a single one in the misc.
Tis a silly place.

imho, the misc is more akin to 4chan than bodybuilding.

Hahahaha. I only just heard about 4chan and what they've done to Scooby. Didn't care for the guy but its a shame he had to go through that like he did. The misc is definitely a place for good laughs and some of the people that post in there are incredibly knowledgable. But the bad posters out weight the good for sure