Where is best 1-Test I can Get??

Could someone hook me up wit a LINK or something
to the best 1-Test available!!!!!
Cheapest but effective yano!!!

Also, Ill be taking mag-10 with this......
Is this a good cycle?
am I going to need nolva or something like that????????
PLEASE HELP!!! thanks

saWeeeT Im a NewB so please bare with me, im just learning INFO


Is it the 1-Testosterone Cypionate Powder???? or what would it be....

and how many Grams Would I need of it for a 4 week cycle or so?? jw
Rama_Lama_Ham_Jama said:
saWeeeT Im a NewB so please bare with me, im just learning INFO


Is it the 1-Testosterone Cypionate Powder???? or what would it be....

and how many Grams Would I need of it for a 4 week cycle or so?? jw

They have both 1-test and 1-test cyp powder.

I would actually recommend reading up on it at anabolicminds. Their prohormone section is good.
Cakalac said:
I can't find anything at anabolicminds. It looks like a blank board! What am i doing wrong?

You have to register before you can view posts, I believe.