i have an answer to our question, alex rogers of proteinfactory.com e mailed me back
was wondering if premixing a gallon of protein and sitting it in the fridge and drinking it through out the day. would the protein go bad or denature? this is a debate we\'re currently having, and what type of protein if any would be ideal for this situation.......wondering thanks
No definitely not. Water does not denature protein. Protein is a whole food product. Whey protein is a dairy product. Once mixed with water you create an environment for bacteria to grow, just like plain ol milk. Thus you need to keep in under a certain temp so bad stuff does not grow, ie salmonella. And you drastically reduce the shelf life to about 1 week.
No particular protein is suitable for pre-mixing and then drinking. They all will NOT denature, you just drastically reduce the shelf life and increase the rate of bacteria growth.
Bottom line. If you are going to pre-mix powder drink it immediately or ALWAYS keep it refrigerated and drink it within a few days.
Alex Rogers
Proteinfactory.com/Theta Brothers Sports Nutrition Inc.