whey shakes on tap?


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tafman has a spare 10gal water cooler, and a 25lb box of some whey. im too lazy to keep making shakes, could i just make 10gals of whey shake at a time? the cooler is electric and has a cold/warm option. just wondering if whey after a certain time mixed loses its structure. this whey mixes really good so i dont think it would clog the thing up unlike montess's water cooler that had 10gals of ice cream which turned into a huge milkshake :druggie:
often wondered about this too, i want to mix a gallon at a time but i'm worried about the protein denaturing!!!!!!!
newgoal300 said:
often wondered about this too, i want to mix a gallon at a time but i'm worried about the protein denaturing!!!!!!!

tru, but what about protein shakes that are sold in stores? are they loaded with perservatives or something
The protein will be a totall waste if you do that. It will rot. You shouldnt leave protein ready mixed for over 1 hour even.
Mix and drink at the same time.
Bast said:
The protein will be a totall waste if you do that. It will rot. You shouldnt leave protein ready mixed for over 1 hour even.
Do you have any evidence of that? I've heard similar claims before, but I've never seen anyone cite any credible data to suggest this.

Where does whey protein come from? Milk, which is a liquid.

tafman: who makes that water cooler? That think would be really nice to have for my wife's iced tea. She drinks about 3 quarts/day. We've made a shitload of iced tea over the past few years.
Yeah, I've never bothered to try the gallon mix before. I've wanted to also, but I just make em into shakes every time I drink them. If you're too lazy, just go out and buy the drinkable carton ones like the Muscle Milk ones. =)
i have an answer to our question, alex rogers of proteinfactory.com e mailed me back

was wondering if premixing a gallon of protein and sitting it in the fridge and drinking it through out the day. would the protein go bad or denature? this is a debate we\'re currently having, and what type of protein if any would be ideal for this situation.......wondering thanks


No definitely not. Water does not denature protein. Protein is a whole food product. Whey protein is a dairy product. Once mixed with water you create an environment for bacteria to grow, just like plain ol milk. Thus you need to keep in under a certain temp so bad stuff does not grow, ie salmonella. And you drastically reduce the shelf life to about 1 week.

No particular protein is suitable for pre-mixing and then drinking. They all will NOT denature, you just drastically reduce the shelf life and increase the rate of bacteria growth.

Bottom line. If you are going to pre-mix powder drink it immediately or ALWAYS keep it refrigerated and drink it within a few days.


Alex Rogers


Proteinfactory.com/Theta Brothers Sports Nutrition Inc.

I find protein shakes that sit for over 30 mins make me sick to my stomach.

I like to mix mine fresh.

You know it is pretty tough to add a couple scoops to some water and shake.
Easto said:
I find protein shakes that sit for over 30 mins make me sick to my stomach.

I like to mix mine fresh.

You know it is pretty tough to add a couple scoops to some water and shake.
I mix my whey protein with sterile water and put it into an IV before bed. This allows me to bypass the stomach completely.
put the iv into your neck.....it delivers amino's directly to your brain so that the hypothalimus realeases large amounts of growth hormone! only on nights w/a full monn though......
Easto said:
I'll have to try that out, I just have to find my IV pole. I know its around here somewhere
I hear about guys that bring their IV poles to the hotel lobby after they weigh in. Much cheaper option than going to the ER to get rehydrated.
newgoal300 said:
put the iv into your neck
They call that a central line. Technically only surgeons are supposed to put those in, but....