Which anti-E to use with this cutting cycle??

Chief Iron Bear

New member
Info on me

Ive been into strongman and powerlifting style training for years. I suppose Im an endomorph, which becomes more evident as I get older. However when Im in good shape and training well I appear as more of a mesmorph with a huge frame and bone structure. One of my doctors classified me as an endo mesomorph.

Training History

Years training- 15 years total. 7 years training hard. First used gear in 2007. Powerlifting/strongman style training and nutrition since 2007.


Graduated high school at 270 lbs as an elite level baseball player.

Lowest bodyweight has been 262 lbs in 2008 after finishing pct from a 12 week cycle of prop/tren ace at very low dosages.

Highest bodyweight---370+ while on heavy first cycle in 2007. Lifting heavy.

Incase you're keeping track thats over 100 lbs lost in a matter of under one years time.

27 years old
6'4 312 lbs @ 25-29% bodyfat

Upcoming Cycle
Im having increasing complications from a past car accident in 2003 so Im going to have to give up the powerlifting type training in order to drop some bodyweight and make it easier on my joints.

Im planning to cut down to 275, then 260, and finally 249.9. I just want to get below 250. Once getting below 250. Ill decide which bodyweight I liked best and get as strong as possible while maintaining that bodyweight.

So Im planning a very long cycle which is fairly mild and affordable. Id also like to try a few peptide research chemicals too that Ive been hearing so many good things about.

The cycle will start as a 16 week portion..at which time I will assess where Im at and where to go from there. But Ill most likely drop down to just test or test and var perhaps. Never done var before and at my bodyweight I dont know if it would be a very economical choice.

Im looking to gain some strength back which will come very quickly as it always does. But really harden up and drop some extra bodyfat at the same time. Ive been around for a while so the typical advice is to lose the weight on my own without AAS but Ive done 3 cycle now before and done a ton of clen and t3 on my own without AAS...and NOTHING cuts me like test and tren at a low dose.

So....here we go.


week 1-16 TTE @ 2.5 mg/wk
= (250 test cyp + 250 test e + 375 tren e)

week 1-16 Clenbuterol..3 weeks on...1-1.5 weeks off. Ramping dosage from 60mcg to start to wherever feels right. 200-240mcg was where I was at last time but may have been underdosed. Im using a different source this time.

week 1-16 Albuterol...3 weeks on 1 week off @ 4mg x 4-5x ed

week 1-16 T3 80-100 mcg ed
peptide frag 176-191 (not sure of dosage yet)
GW-501516 (not sure of dosage)
DNP (heard a lot of mixed reviews about this)


Ive been recommended to run 12.5mg of aromasin eod throughout my cycle as it has various reasons.

However Ive also heard not to use aromasin with tren. And to use something else instead. Letro if I recall correctly.

**** What Aromatase inhibitor (AI) do you guys suggest I use and what dosage?****

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Caber and Prami are prolactin inhibitors used with tren and deca. Aromasin is the Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I prefer adex but everyone is different.

Yeah im aware of that. Just curious what you guys recommend when taking both test and tren together. If id be better off with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and a prolactin inhibitor or if i should simply focus on one or the other?

have both available...use the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout...have the prolactin inhibitor in case the sides show. Caber and Prami can be harsh and people and usually the recommebdation is only use them if the tren sides are to bad.
have both available...use the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout...have the prolactin inhibitor in case the sides show. Caber and Prami can be harsh and people and usually the recommebdation is only use them if the tren sides are to bad.

This is also my method of attack. And yes, the side effects are harsh, especially that of Prami! Prami oh Prami... The sick potion! Lol.
Posted something similar to your questions .... I would stick with the AI.s if u had to choose... I'm a 3 time user of tren and only complaint was a harsh post cycle since I stayed on it for a pretty long time but never gyno or anything. If i was you I would do the tren a , (shots ed but suck it up) this way if sides do start for pop up u can stop immediately
Posted something similar to your questions .... I would stick with the AI.s if u had to choose... I'm a 3 time user of tren and only complaint was a harsh post cycle since I stayed on it for a pretty long time but never gyno or anything. If i was you I would do the tren a , (shots ed but suck it up) this way if sides do start for pop up u can stop immediately

i appreciate the advice. ive used tren during every cycle ive ever done and the only side i really get is night sweats. and ive ran up to 800 mg/wk of tren ace.

ill run my small dose of aromasin throughout and have one of the others on hand just incase.

thanks again gentlemen