Which Bicep Routine do you like better?


New member
Which Bicep Routine do you like better and why?

Standing BB Curls 3 sets of 8-10
Seated Incline DB curls 3 sets of 18-20 (8-10 each arm)
Hammer curls 3 sets of 18-20 (8-10 each arm)


Standing BB Curls 5 sets of 5
Seated Incline DB curls 3 sets of 18-20 (8-10 each arm)
Hammer curls 3 sets of 18-20 (8-10 each arm)

Or should I drop the Hammers, and add preacher bar curls like this?

Standing BB Curls 5 sets of 5
Preacher Curls 3 sets of 8-10
Seated Incline DB curls 3 sets of 18-20 (8-10 each arm)
I would probably alternate between the first two. I don't like either one over the other. I think that it is good to switch your reps/set ranges once and a while. You should try both and see what one feels best. The only problem I would have with the 5 x 5, is that mi biceps would probably be dead tired by the last exercise.
what he's saying is they both have potential.after awhile you will get bored of either,so you mix up,change exercises,reps,whatever.....how about this...barbell curls and a preacher exercise of your choice..cable,ez curl bar,d/b..whichever you like.....after you get tird of this drop barbell and do seated d/b's heavy on incline or regular,then add some other type of Bi exercise.....hell there are so many to pick from,:cool:
EmptyWallet said:
so you wouldnt replace the hammers in favor of some preachers?
If you want, from workout to workout you can sub Hammer Curls and Preacher curls. Both of those exercise have their benefits. I don't think you would want to completely not do one or the other
I would replace the hammers with the preatures. Both movements have thier perpose but hammers hit the fore arm more than the bicep and isolate the outer head of the bicep more thant the inner. Depending on hand placement (hands closer together) on the BB curls you are hitting the outer head already. If I were using these routines I would use the 3rd as my primary routine and substitue the other 2 when I thought I needed to shake things up or hit the arms from a different angle.
Just gonna chime in with what I do for Biceps.

- Standing Barbell Curls, 4 sets: 15, 12, 10, 8
- One armed Preacher Dumbell Curls, 3 sets: 12, 10, 8
- Hammer Curls, 2 sets: 10-12 for both sets.
LOL -- chiming... :)

I like hammers, I like standing db curls, and I like preachers... :)

No barbell for me.. not until my wrist heals...

Standing DB curls - 4 sets 10,10,5, 5
standing concentration curls (weight hanging) -- 3 sets 10, 7, 5
Hammer curls 3 sets 10, 8, 5

Just switch it around everytime around. Don't do the same excercises everytime....change it up and find out what works. I like BB curls and machine preacher.
I use a wide grip on barbell, a tad more than shoulder width, its the only way the wrists take heavy weights.

Heavy rows
Heavy chins
Heavy cleans


I like that for shear size and thickness. Save the curls for shaping them so to speak.