which carbs?


bulking up
sorry if this is a stupid question but what r the best carbs as far GI goes. l know low GI carbs r the best but can anyone give some examples or sites cuz i am so tire of brown rice, oatmeal, yams, wheat bread ED.

Suareezay said:
rice, potatoes, fruits, cereal, bread, bagels, muffins, beans, malto and dex, etc. yea...carbs
when u say bread, bagel, cereal, muffins u mean wheat right? And i thought potatoeS were high on the GI or am i incorect

none of this makes sense
you have lower GI carbs and Higher GI carbs mixed in the same sentence. Or am I the one that is lost? Am I reading this wrong?
yankeesuck said:
none of this makes sense
you have lower GI carbs and Higher GI carbs mixed in the same sentence. Or am I the one that is lost? Am I reading this wrong?
no, youre reading it correct. i dont think he's hip to the hi/low index. there are a few sites (i'll have to look) that have a great breakdown of hi gi carbs, and low gi carbs. let me do a search and i'll try to find the one i've used in the past.
the guy knows which carbs are ultimately the lowest GI...the ones he should be eating all day everyday.

he then asked about ones that "arent necesarily the best"...which is pretty much any carb.

he is just looking for justification to eat fruit loops all day. If he actually wanted to find the gi of certain foods (which is basically considered usless anyway), he would have googled "low gi carbs" and found this in about 3 seconds

seriously...google...use it
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Suareezay said:
the guy knows which carbs are ultimately the lowest GI...the ones he should be eating all day everyday.

he then asked about ones that "arent necesarily the best"...which is pretty much any carb.

he is just looking for justification to eat fruit loops all day. If he actually wanted to find the gi of certain foods (which is basically considered usless anyway), he would have googled "low gi carbs" and found this in about 3 seconds

the reason why i asked the question in the first place was because i have been eating the low GI carbs for a while now and it's been pretty much the same ones and wanted to see if there were any other low to mid GI carbs that i could swicth my diet around. And NO i am not looking for justification for foot loops or junk food in other words if thats what ur implying. i take my diet very seriously and that why i asked the question.
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the way you asked the question leads anyone to believe that you don't understand carbs and that is fine I am NOT flaming you Bro. Higher GI carbs should be eaten early in the day and postworkout only. the other slower burning carbs (low GI) are the ones you eat from mid-day on. I am trying to get under 10% BF so for me I will not eat carbs unless they are in my protein supplement (not MRP) after 7 pm.