Which Peptide for a Lean mass gain/fatloss


New member

So i'm gonna try MT II , 1 bottle , to get tan for the summer ; but i'd like to use a peptide for getting more cells , as i read in this post http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...practical-use-surrounding-them-must-read.html , seems like even after the cycle , i'll keep the benefits , so it seems cool.
I'd like to know which peptide do you recommend for me ? i'm 21 , never did AAS cycle , been trainin for years.

I'm gonna buy on RUI , are the peptides good quality? i mean i've heard that a LOT of Igf-1 were fake nowadays..

So which peptide do you recommend me ? at what dose etc.

Thanks a lot
Well i do think you are a bit young to use aas/hormones.. BUT the peptides would atleast be better option vs. aas.. but i rec waitign till age 24-25.
anyway I would rec for some mass n fatloss a ghrp2 & sermorelin (or cjc) combo.

I highly rec and use RUI BTW, great quality, for years I haven't had an issue. :)

something like this:

Wk1-12 0.5-1mg 2X a week CJC-1293
Wk1-12 100mcg 2-4X ed GHRP-2 or GHRP-6


Wk1-12 100 mcg 2-4X a day sermorelin
Wk1-12 100mcg 2-4X ed GHRP-2 or GHRP-6
Well i do think you are a bit young to use aas/hormones.. BUT the peptides would atleast be better option vs. aas.. but i rec waitign till age 24-25.
anyway I would rec for some mass n fatloss a ghrp2 & sermorelin (or cjc) combo.

I highly rec and use RUI BTW, great quality, for years I haven't had an issue. :)

something like this:

Wk1-12 0.5-1mg 2X a week CJC-1293
Wk1-12 100mcg 2-4X ed GHRP-2 or GHRP-6


Wk1-12 100 mcg 2-4X a day sermorelin
Wk1-12 100mcg 2-4X ed GHRP-2 or GHRP-6

Thanks for the answer.

Well , GHRP is 2-4x a day?? it means if i take 3 for exemple , like 300 pins for the cycle?? and i can't use the same syringue 2 times right? that do a lot lol..
CJC 1293 2x a week seems good , isnt there a good thing like that like 1-2 x a week to stack with it ?
which syringue do i need ? Syringe with needle: Insulin .5 cc 29G X 0.5" 10/Pack or those Syringe with needle: Insulin 1cc 29G X 0.5" 10/Pack ?
Newborn, really kid you are so young to be doing all this n that. I read thread after thread that you plan this or that. Pro-hormones and now peptides.

At your age you can accomplish all of what you want natty. It will not take long either, due to your age. You haven't reached your natural potential or even close. Unless you are a fat slob you can get lean easily. I heard you talk so much about supplements and not enough about diet and training programs.

I've looked t you history on here with your threads and it appears like you are an anxious kid, so excited that you have found this chemical world and you can't wait to try everything and anything you can get your hands on to change your physique.

I will give you credit you seem to be holding off the hard AAS for now, great work on that however I've been around the block (you should know by now I have 40years on you) and I have seen and done myself everything. As a recovering hard core addict I already see a mind set with you.

Please slow down. When you get to the age of using ASS and you like it what will hold you back from doing cycle after cycle or just doing and staying on and not breaking.

Listen man and anyone reading, I make this post for you Newborn and all newbies Steroids are a drug. It can and will alter your body functions and your state of mind. Yes it will to some extent and it feels good. So they can be addictive. What guy grows up saying I want to be a heroine addict, no one but then, for some and the least expecting it happens. This can also happen with steroids. It's just different and not as wide spread, BUT IT CAN HAPPEN.

I'm an advocate of AAS but if used correctly, as safe as possible and this is so important for the young. Be cool Newborn and step back and check your motives and drive. I am on your side bud. But get a grip before you are looking back instead of forward...... :axe:

Holy shit did I hear you say the same syringe twice, hello? :( never you can get a serious infection. Back to the drawing board kid
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Yes you're right on everything , feeling excited to test some peptides/AAs etc , but yea i know there is danger , that's why i didn't take it yet ( the AAS ).
For my body growth , well yea i can be more , but the results/year are really low , really , i'll continue for sure , but i'd like a boost from now on , cause 5 years of training and getting a body that you don't really like ,i mean for 5 years i'm not how i want to be.

i'll wait a little more for the peptide too then , but i ll still take MT II :) , there s no real danger with it if taken properly right.
For the syringue , yea i know , was half joking , cause buying 100 + syringues , seems a lot .
Anyway , i'll wait for the AAS , at least that s how i feel atm , wait for months or maybe years , but i'll still take something , SERM for T boost that s what i have on my mind atm .

You've done all kind of cycles , and with your age , did you / do you have health problems?
Yes you're right on everything , feeling excited to test some peptides/AAs etc , but yea i know there is danger , that's why i didn't take it yet ( the AAS ).
For my body growth , well yea i can be more , but the results/year are really low , really , i'll continue for sure , but i'd like a boost from now on , cause 5 years of training and getting a body that you don't really like ,i mean for 5 years i'm not how i want to be.

i'll wait a little more for the peptide too then , but i ll still take MT II :) , there s no real danger with it if taken properly right.
For the syringue , yea i know , was half joking , cause buying 100 + syringues , seems a lot .
Anyway , i'll wait for the AAS , at least that s how i feel atm , wait for months or maybe years , but i'll still take something , SERM for T boost that s what i have on my mind atm .

You've done all kind of cycles , and with your age , did you / do you have health problems?

Listen five years of training is not much considering your age. Yo see your body is still growing naturally without the gym. It has not matured and has a long way to go. You are still building your foundation which is why it is important to do it naturally.

If you look at any sport the rubber begins to meet the road into the 8th year or more. All the champions and the seasoned, knowledgeable one are into their 8th, 9th, 10th year. What we do is not all our bodies and genetics or AAS it is a combination of all this and OUR minds. There is a threshold that most never get to and that is the isolation of mind and muscle. This doesn't happen over night and it takes years to develop mentally. Your body has to reach it's maturity.

Look at the champs who are older than 25-28 and you will see a harder look with the muscle. On or off season you will see the hardness. Take a close look at 25 and under BB'ers and you will see the baby fat even when they are lean. If you keep training you will see a tremendous difference in your look in the next 3-5 years. Five years was / is long for you but in this sport and most any, that is not a lot. Look at the college athlete compared to the pro's. Just look at the bodies.

I buy my syringes at Wal-Mart at $10.58 for a box of 100, any and all gauges.

I am Bi-Polar Type I and that has been my biggest health issue. I have some health issues at my age but none from the use of AAS. I didn't start AAS until 1980 and so I was 29 years old and had a solid endocrine system by then.