white potatoes vs sweet potatoes


New member
I know it has been discussed before but I am new and have not seen it. Why is it recommended that we eat sweet potatoes instead of white baking potatoes? Are they not both a good source of carbs?
I know it has been discussed before but I am new and have not seen it. Why is it recommended that we eat sweet potatoes instead of white baking potatoes? Are they not both a good source of carbs?

Sweet potato is of particular interest to bodybuilders because of its high levels of antioxidant vitamins as well as high-quality carbohydrates. So I believe antioxidants is your main answer.
By scavenging destructive free radicals, the antioxidants in sweet potato can play a role in the recovery process after a strenuous workout, promoting rebuilding of muscle tissue. They also may ward off decreased onset muscle soreness, which can develop 24 to 48 hours after heavy lifting. In addition, there is some scientific evidence that these antioxidants may offer some protection against the development and progression of knee arthritis -- significant news for weightlifters, whose joints are often taxed by the physical demands of lifting. You can always google it to get more info also hope this helped.
Also, Sweet potatoes are low on the Glycemic index where white baked potatoes are high which create an insulin spike.
+1 Orbs
I would recommend a glycemic index table to glue onto your fridge if you don't know the difference between potatoes. This is why you take dextrose or amylose post workout, or avoid white bread and substitute it for multi-grain, etc.. Spiking your insulin throughout the day with things like white bread or white potatoes is not really good for you, however, post workout it is beneficial to spike your insulin to increase the rate of replenishing muscle glycogen.
How much do you guys eat? (sweet potatoes) I usually weigh it out to 260grams per meal... Might not be enough though...
The starch in white potatoes has the same effect as sugar on the body. Some white potatoes are better than others in this regard (red potatoes), but sweet potatoes are better in every way nutritionally.
so some great points have been made here... the first and most obvious one to me is that sweet potatoes have a lower gi and gl compaired to white potatoes.. the second is the micronutrients you get from it (antioxidents)..

more then half the battle in dieting is controling your insulin levels.. thats why we choose sweet potatoes over white ones... and infection made a great point.. we use insulin spikes to our advantage post workout to shuttle nutrients to our body when it needs it most...
I got curious when I read your posts. So I research for you. Here it is: But in a head-to-head comparison, these two tubers are seemingly very similar. In a 100-gram portion, the white potato has 92 calories, 21 grams of carbs, 2.3 grams of dietary fiber, 2.3 g of protein and 17% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. The same amount of sweet potato, on the other hand, has 90 calories, 21 grams of carbs, 3 grams of fiber, 2 grams of protein, 35% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C and 380% of the daily recommended value of vitamin A. Thanks!
Hi all
There are many vitamins and calories in a potato and these potato are helpful for get gain weight.Sweet potato is of particular interest to bodybuilders because of its high levels of antioxidant vitamins as well as high-quality carbohydrates.