Who else loves the DAA powerchews??


Seriously, the bull berry taste is amazing! And the added LCLT is like the cherry on top of the sundae.
i am just eating them right now this morning with a cup of coffee, they taste good just a lil sour in the mornings.
But i always take my DAA and creatine chews first thing in the morning. then i take my BCAA chews at night time.............
These are great to throw into post cycle therapy (pct) for sure and the taste is amazing. LCLT is a nice addition to the DAA as well....great combination
I just have such a hard time pulling my self away from the BCAAs....they are so hard to not eat I know I'd go crazy with these too lol
Very tasty, and very convenient for dosing. just chew a few of these DAA chews. Beats choking down the chalky bulk DAA for sure!
havent tried these yet but was wondering if you guys were thinking of an nmda version like intimidate in chew form. prob could focus heavily on the flavor since less grams of daa would be needed
havent tried these yet but was wondering if you guys were thinking of an nmda version like intimidate in chew form. prob could focus heavily on the flavor since less grams of daa would be needed

interesting idea.I'd def shoot them an email on this one this could be really cool
havent tried these yet but was wondering if you guys were thinking of an nmda version like intimidate in chew form. prob could focus heavily on the flavor since less grams of daa would be needed

I like this idea as well
Caught the fiance about to nom nom on these the other day. I explained to her she didn't need any of them, even though they ARE delicious!
I'm a huge fan of the powerchew line. They all taste great.

Ditto on this. I cant say this enough. I having been using supps for over 20years, tried most kinds and brands. Anyway, I have ben very happy with the entire powerchews line. The BCAA are a staple for me, switched way back from Xtend, which is a good product as well, but there is just something about the powerchews that makes them superior. What it is, is that great taste, they work, and the convienance. That in and of itself makes it worth it to me. So easy to use, no water, no mixing, notta. Now that N2BM Gear is back in stock, I will be picking up some of that and stacking the two together for a positive nitrogen bance 24/7..

BTW, the Dtest, I used last month, an man, well worth it. The libido and agression was awesome,. worked great for training..SJ