You should be proud Spongy, that's great!
Mr P is an ex-US Army & he looked damn good in his uniform![]()
thats pretty crazy. My boy has a very very similar story like that. He is a little older then me. That'd be pretty crazy if its the same shit. Shows how small this world really is if it know how many times i've heard that?
Especially after Bin Laden went down. These young fucks don't understand that they take that shit seriously!
When I was with FORECON we had some young kid that dropped out half way thru recon school cause he couldn't hack it. Bunch of guys saw him year later attached to another unit wearing the FORECON tatt on his arm. Those fuckers peald it off him with a lie!
I hate fuckers that come off as shit they're not! Especially the oldtimers from Nam that wear a Navy Seal hat but were in the Army or something. Nothing burns my ass more!
That's where your name came from right? I remember back on the socom days when it was footsteps then you told us you were changing it to that.
Darkside, I totally feel you on that.
Had a 20 year old kid show up at my unit one time, came from 4th ID or some shit, wearing a Ranger tab. So we get in to a discussion about Ranger school and it became painfully obvious that he was a poser.Needless to say, me and my other Ranger buddies in the unit put a stop to that shit most Ricky tick and he got demoted, 45/45. Plus he got his ass beat
I was out at a bar the other night, full face beard, looking like a Viking, and had my tan subdued flag hat on. Two chicks were like "heyyyy are you DevGroup?".. I was like "nah.. I'm in construction". But it just goes to show how easy it is