WHO is running OP??? looking to re up on some goodies

Like crippling PIP or just kind of a nuisance PIP.....I'm on my feet for work most of the day and active, I can't be limping around all over
Like crippling PIP or just kind of a nuisance PIP.....I'm on my feet for work most of the day and active, I can't be limping around all over

Mine was crippling my first couple of times. Now the pain isn't as severe but the swelling is always a pain in the ass. Everytime I sit down I think I'm sitting on the remote (not exaggerating) or something before I realize I'm just swollen as fawk. I've ran Pinn test-e for 12 weeks and only got PIP on my first injection and it was my first time pinning. Not trying to bad mouth OP because their customer service and TA was on point for sure, but just giving you a fair warning as I also work on my feet 12 hours a day and am curious as to how this is going to play out when I get back to work. Seen quite a few reports on the test-e PIP since OP went viral.
maybe you guys hit something on the way in or something? It's been over 24 hours since I pinned my right glute and just got back from the gym and did legs tonight. I'm walking around fine. I do have a little bit of pip but nothing to complain about really.
Maybe they have changed the oils a bit since people were having issues.....@ chasethebulk.........how's the results/potency compared to pinn?
Maybe they've changed the oils around since people are having trouble?? As long as the gains come I guess I can handle a little PIP, but this europharm I had laying around that I'm using now is sooooo smooth, gonna miss it, I miss uncle z too!
Mine was crippling my first couple of times. Now the pain isn't as severe but the swelling is always a pain in the ass. Everytime I sit down I think I'm sitting on the remote (not exaggerating) or something before I realize I'm just swollen as fawk. I've ran Pinn test-e for 12 weeks and only got PIP on my first injection and it was my first time pinning. Not trying to bad mouth OP because their customer service and TA was on point for sure, but just giving you a fair warning as I also work on my feet 12 hours a day and am curious as to how this is going to play out when I get back to work. Seen quite a few reports on the test-e PIP since OP went viral.

Sucks to hear this. If they're as reputable as some claim, I'm assuming they will address the issue.
In the middle of a pinnacle vial, but decided to pop open a OP testE for todays inject.
Seemed thinner than Pin and flowed very quickly into a 23ga.
Inject into quad went smooth, so will report back in a couple days about any pip.
Also, need to be clear that this is just my experience and everyone has there own.
In the middle of a pinnacle vial, but decided to pop open a OP testE for todays inject.
Seemed thinner than Pin and flowed very quickly into a 23ga.
Inject into quad went smooth, so will report back in a couple days about any pip.
Also, need to be clear that this is just my experience and everyone has there own.
No pip for me. Been 3 days and it would have come on by now. Only shot .75ml, but doubt that 1ml would have given me issues. Sorry some have more pip, but maybe you are getting acclimated by now.
Bro s WHO have PIP , please check your injections techniques and schedules
There are many people WHO use Test E without PIP, or even higher dosage products.
I checked it and i learned they sell same batch for 2-3 months , so all of you use same batch , thus same product
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ehh the pip with the OP, isnt bad, just gotta stop being a vag about it, but yes OP is good, got miy orsers in, very happy!
I am looking into starting my first cycle of test e 500/wk, aromasin, some
Hcg and nolva/clomid pct...just waiting on my blood panel and having a hard time deciding what source to go with. It seems OP is definitely legit? Haven't looked into them very much
In my 2nd week using OP and my first pin had horrible pip. Test E and Tren E. Wife pins my glute and she does a good job but this hurt like hell. She did push in too quickly but never had this in all the years. Left a big ball that a week later is not as big but still there. No redness and pain is gone but sucks have this protrusion when I sit or lie down.
2nd pin later last week in other side was clean though still a little pip but felt like normal pip. 3rd pin today and I'm using different vials to see if different.
In fact EO allergy is mostly created if you use low quality EO from china, this EO is very cheap but also dangerous product. I heard people had troubles
BUT, with Optimum Pharma , i NEVER heard anybody WHO had allergy, its because their EO is made in EU by one biggest chemical manufacturers of the World.
I think this is the main factor
only 1 % as preservative, because all finished product are sterilized one more time AFTER they are sealed
also OP sells very fastly , all batches no matter how big they are finishing in maximum 2-3 months , so the gear is not waiting for too long time
thus less chance some bacteria can grow inside.