Who makes these dumbbells??


New member
I saw an add for some dumbbells but I forgot the name, I think it was something like quickbells or fastbells but I can't find them anywhere on the net. If I remember right the weights are square and have some type of quick release.
I checked out powerblocks website and it's not them, and yeah they are pretty overpriced. The ones I'm thinking of weren't that expensive, the weights were square like Wendy's burger patties and went on just like the regular circular ones.
I have the adjustable HOIST dumbells. Although they only go up to 75lbs, they cover my basic curles, laterals, shoulders, and flys.
It's also alot cheaper then the other selectorized (less then 250$) and it even comes with it's own rack and table.

For Dumbell Presses and Single arm rows, I have a heavy dumbells for that.
Here ya go if you want more info on them.

