Whole food vs Protein shakes


What do you guys think about this?

I stopped drinking protein shakes recently because of the tryptophan. I think I may have overdosed on it, so I just decided to cut shakes out for a while. And I guess the only reason I was taking them in the first place is because I was scared of losing gains if I didn't drink a shake right after a workout.

But I have to say, I feel a whole hell of a lot better eating whole foods. I don't feel bloated and I'm hungrier. Course, I've only been doing it a week, so I can't say for gains. But I don't really feel as fat either.

Anybody else ditched shakes? Or have a good arguement for them?
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nope I have 4X 50g shaked EVERYDAY + 3-4 meals and feel great. (2 of the drinks are made into smoothies with oatmeal, peanutbutter and a banana.

maybe add in blended oats with the protein to help your system?

anyway id never cut out my whey protein.
I love the needtowhey and have not felt sick from it ever.

also what you mean over dosed? what make you think you can overdose on proteindrinks (tryptophan)? sounds pritty silly to me.
but im curious for more info
nope I have 4X 50g shaked EVERYDAY + 3-4 meals and feel great. (2 of the drinks are made into smoothies with oatmeal, peanutbutter and a banana.

maybe add in blended oats with the protein to help your system?

anyway id never cut out my whey protein.
I love the needtowhey and have not felt sick from it ever.

also what you mean over dosed? what make you think you can overdose on proteindrinks (tryptophan)? sounds pritty silly to me.
but im curious for more info

It was the only thing I could nail down in my diet/supplementation that was causing prolactin issues.

There are multiple studies that show large doses of tryptophan raise serotonin levels and, by proxy, prolactin. If you look on your protein powder label, assuming you use two scoops like most do, you're getting between 800mg and 1g of tryptophan in each shake.

I figured it all up and I was taking in somewhere between 2 and 5 grams of tryptophan a day.

Not to mention tryptophan is already in Eggs, turkey, chicken.. pretty much everything we eat for protein sources. And while normal consumption of these foods isn't bad, the protein shakes just put it a little over the top for me.

Probably not an issue now since I started Prami + letro.
I only use whey pre/post workout. And then I only use 25g/shake, most people can not process more than 25g of protein every 3 hours. If you are taking large amounts you may be placing unneeded stress on your kidneys. Which can ultimately lead to gout ( not to mention a complete waste of protein). You can do a simple urinalysis to test for high protein to see where youre at.
Whole foods ARE better than shakes. But there's certainly nothing wrong w/ drinking protein. Especially pre and post-workout.