Why am I retaining water while cutting?


New member
I NEED SOME EXPERT ADVICE..................................I am currently taking a 30 ml mix for 12 weeks of Tren Enanthate 200 mg,Test Enanthate 200 mg and Masteron 100 mg. 3 ml/ week.

This is supposed to be a cutting mix. I also take Primobol 100 mg/ml. 2 ml per week and Anavar 60 mg/day.

I also take thermogenics, drink 2 gallons water/day,Diet and stay away from salt and sugar. I do Circuit training for an hour then slow down to about a minute between sets for the last hour of my workout.

I can lose up to 8 lbs of water in 1 workout but i generally gain it back when I get home and eat .....

What am I doing wrong? not enough cardio? Why am I retaining so much?
do not forget to mention you're on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to 200mg/week.

if i was you would make like Ezred sayd, a complete introduction of yourself, cause it seems reading your posts, than you're only steroids addict, all of your post were about steroids.

it could hundreds of cause about your water retention, the blind on AR of male hormone is common accepted as the further reason in almost all bulking cycle.
30 yrs old
302 lbs
15.9 % body fat

Im not prepping for a contest. Got a guy that sold me tren, test, masteron mix all in 1 vial and some Winstrol (winny) in another. I dont like the Winstrol (winny) so I am taking the anavar. Been on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for 11 years and have gained weight constantly throughout the years. Lifting has been a hobby and I just want to cut down to a lean 275. I will always be massive because I will always be on HRT.
Kane thanks for the response. You are right, mainly all of my posts are about steroids and my defense for that is, I haven't gotten the response I was looking for or any for that matter until now. Taking 200 mg of test cyp for 11 years has also caused me to have a dependency for it . if I had never been prescribed it, I probably would have never touched juice, but you never know.

Body fat percentage fluctuates mainly because doctors dont know everything and like to mess with my dosage.

If you guys have any suggestions about cutting up naturally, i'm all ears....BTW I eat clean. weigh out food, drink 2 gallons water/day 1.5 grams protein / lb of body weight. The whole shabang....I appreciate your honesty guys
what's your carb intake like? have you done much carb cycling? do you eat the same all the time when you're eating clean? how much of a deficit are you at? do you incorporate cheat meals even when cutting? etc.
Off subject, but just curious why were you on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) at 19yo?
HRT because I had undescended testicle surgery as a baby. Nuts never grew since...Didnt find out what was going on with my body til I was 19...I shoulda been taking Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) throughout my entire childhood
Carb intake is low. About 250 grams / day. When you diet what option do you have other than to eat the same thing all the time? I steam , grill or smoke what Im eating...gotta cheat ezred , or id go insane....cheat saturday for 1 meal , i might snack on something throughout the week too but I dont splurge and I dont eat 3 hours before bedtime except for cottage cheese...approx 6 meals a day, i usually eat every 2-3 hours...havent tried carb cycling
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I'd be curious what your sodium intake is. Another thing, I could be wrong.. but whenever I do.. or... did... circuit type training or workouts of that nature I look a bit bloated and my guess would be due to the rate of blood flowing throughout your body.. "the pump" seems to make you look less cut at times.

idk just me maybe.

The best bet would be estrogen making you bloated.
HRT because I had undescended testicle surgery as a baby. Nuts never grew since...Didnt find out what was going on with my body til I was 19...I shoulda been taking Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) throughout my entire childhood

Carb intake is low. About 250 grams / day. When you diet what option do you have other than to eat the same thing all the time? I steam , grill or smoke what Im eating...gotta cheat ezred , or id go insane....cheat saturday for 1 meal , i might snack on something throughout the week too but I dont splurge and I dont eat 3 hours before bedtime except for cottage cheese...approx 6 meals a day, i usually eat every 2-3 hours...havent tried carb cycling

That is pretty unique, wish I could have a similar situation. Are you SURE that there might be one or two things you could be eating regulary that could be really high in sodium? The cottage cheese I eat has like 20% of your value for one serving, and alot of pasta sauces are high in sodium. Just wanting to make sure you didn't miss any obvious clues. I think some would argue that your holding a little bit more water purely because of the esters your running. When alot of bro's want to cut they run quicker/shorter esteres. Just my .02's
I think i just figured out my problem....I take PRO NOS protein by MRI.....Damn shit has 523 mg of sodium per serving...WTF?!?! This shit is suppose to be one of the better high quality proteins......Anybody got any suggestions on a better quality , light sodium protein? Damn I must be retarded
Carb intake is low. About 250 grams / day. When you diet what option do you have other than to eat the same thing all the time? I steam , grill or smoke what Im eating...gotta cheat ezred , or id go insane....cheat saturday for 1 meal , i might snack on something throughout the week too but I dont splurge and I dont eat 3 hours before bedtime except for cottage cheese...approx 6 meals a day, i usually eat every 2-3 hours...havent tried carb cycling

yeah yeah i hear you man, i just meant like macro breakdown and total cals is that about the same all the time. you're right about having to eat the same stuff.

i would try carb cycle. up the cheats, maybe make a full day out of it just eating like a monster getting at least twice what you usually eat and then pull from carbs elsewhere during the week. one cheat meal a week won't quite cut it for throwing your body for a loop. gotta go all out sometimes. there are a ton of ways to carb cycle concept is pretty cimple, no/low low/mod/ mod/high use those strategically with your training days/days off and such.

i've seen it work well with a variety of people. myself, i look bloated if i take in low to "normal" carbs for my body on a regular basis. when i carb cycle i look a lot better, so i pretty much do that normally. i have also been fasting once a week for years but that didn't start as a dieting thing, the fact that it doesn't hurt is a bonus! i usually have my monster cheat day the day before my weekly fast.

anyway, i'd play with your carb intake. also timing, carbs in the morning, etc. try to mess with that and see how your "bloat" looks.
I think i just figured out my problem....I take PRO NOS protein by MRI.....Damn shit has 523 mg of sodium per serving...WTF?!?! This shit is suppose to be one of the better high quality proteins......Anybody got any suggestions on a better quality , light sodium protein? Damn I must be retarded

If you are REALLY drinking 2 gallons of water a day then that much sodium maybe necessary. When I drink that much water my sodium levels drop and I have to do an electrolyte drink or salt water.

You should have your blood work done to see where you are at.
yeah i was going to mention that. if you are drinking 2 gallons of water per day you don't need to watch your sodium closely enough to stress that shake.
you might not be taking what you think your taking....i have had this expierence buying like you have.....

I agree with lartinos. Try some herbals. Dandelion root and uva ursi. I'm assuming your thermos have caffeine already. These three combined will dry you out in a hurry. I wouldn't take them for more than 7-10 days, though.
bloat is typically due to poor diet and lack of H2O. You say you drik 2 gals a day, so it must be your diet. i wouldn't go adding diuretics and AIs just because. The only drug youre taking that has major aromatizing issues is test anyway, so i doubt its that. Unless your E2 is high as fuck.

btw, how about a pic cause I gotta see 302lbs at 15%BF.
^ yea man 302 at 6'2 and 15% is fucking huge, you should see some abs at 15%. You sure you got the bf right?

Not saying you are not 15% but want to see. You can lose 8 lbs of water in 1 workout? is that like a 5 hours cardio session?

post a picture for better help