I am banned!
i've put on 17 lbs. since the end of november so i think "im eating plenty of sandwiches bro"
eat a sandwich bro.
eat a sandwich bro.
You said you'd do leg pics in your log but you never did...let's see the wheels bro!
Starting Ostarine and S4 stack today. Osta starting out at 25 mg, and S4 starting at 30 mg (15mg x 2 times a day). Being a little conservative, hoping to keep the dreaded vision sides down. Also on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), 400 mg cyp, every 2 wks. That's what years of AAS usage and competitive powerlifting will do! Looking for some joint healing/strengthening, and big numbers again. We shall see what kind of strength they give.
How and when would you use these in your post cycle therapy (pct)? What do they do exactly? IS vision the only real side?
I just finished up a cycle of ostarine. I did 12.5mg a day for my cut. This was my first time cutting so im not sure if it was just that my body sheds bodyfat fast or the ostarine (or both), but i cut off a lot of bodyfat fairly easily. Went from 220-200lbs. I also got stronger. Its tough to tell if I gained any muscle mass, but it would be really interesting to see how I would react to ostarine for a bulk. Maybe I will try it in between cycles this fall and bump it up to 25mg a day. I had no sides with it either which was nice. I also took aromasin at 6mg a day along with it, probably an overkill and I dont even think an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would be needed with this, but in the future ill still use one, just a little more mild than aromasin.
How much MK/s-4 would one need for post cycle therapy (pct) and bridge total. I am doing a 12 week starting in may and am interested.
Before pictures or this thread is useless.
You look very cut....we you carrying quite a bit more BF before using SARM?