Why do people take PH?


I am banned!
Serious question, not trying to take shots.

Everything I read so far basically says their like steroids but with minimal results and maximum side affects. Is there something I dont know?
Serious question, not trying to take shots.

Everything I read so far basically says their like steroids but with minimal results and maximum side affects. Is there something I dont know?
They've been mostly legal up until recently, so availability has been greater. Some PH/DS are actually quite strong and can give traditional AAS a run for it's money. I don't personally see a value in PH as they do tend to carry heavier side effects and are liver toxic, but those crazy chemists keep making new compounds that allow folks to take their drugs without having to worry about law enforcement like many of us on AAS do.

My .02c :)
No one would rather do a PH then real gear. It's ALWAYS a second choice but a much easier one due to the simple fact that PH's are legal. Not everyone is open about AAS and will frequently deny using. You can't just walk up to the Big guy at the gym and ask, they might not be willing to offer that information so easily.
I still use superdrol as a kick start on my test cycles. I like it because of the strength gains and lack of bloat. I think it was recently classified as a real steroid though so...
Lack of education and fear of it being illegal. I know before I researched a bit, I always wanted to take a PH not knowing that it could work for a bit, then most of the time all the gains you get melt away. That would fuck with my head too much so if I am going to take something, I'll be sure to do it right.