Why dose EOD with an oil base tren ?


New member
The tren i made is in grape seed oil
and like other oils i thought it was
a slow release so, how is it that tren
is absorbed quickly and needs to be dosed EOD or even ED?
it depends on the esther of Tren that dictates the injection frequency. Theres Tren Acetate which is the short esther Trenbolone, and then theres Tren Enanthate which is long esther tren. THeres also Tren hexahydrobenzyl (sp?) which is close to the same esther size as acetate (3 days or so i believe) and known as Parabolin.

As for your tren, i believe its Tren Acetate, hence the EOD or ED injections. If you want less injections, go with Tren Enanthate.
Ok, that's great info . I will read on tren
enanthate .
My first inj in thigh with 25G 5/8 pin gave
me no discomfort, so far after 20hours.
My volume of BA was 4cc + 21 cc oil with one
fina 2gram pack
my guy got back to me on the tren enan. he miss quoted. much better. i'll be giving it a shot next go round instead of ace.