Why is there so much ignorance on AAS use?

I can only speak for myself and I consider myself a pretty educated person who possesses a good amount of common sense. As I spoke of in another thread of mine, I was a Marine and I was shut off from the outside world for the most part. When I did my first cycle it was 16yrs ago. The interweb wasn't like it is now and even if we had a computer in the barracks I don't think it would have been a good idea to be on "steroidology" with so many eyes and ears around. I doubt there were forums like this back then. With that said you listened to the guys who had some experience with it and if they were yoked up you would have no reason to think they didn't know what they were doing.

Fast forward to present day. Just a few months ago, I was not a member here. For me there was a fear of being a part of a forum like this in fear of incriminating yourself. Because of this fear I would normally just do a Google search with my questions. There are so many websites out there now and filled with false information that it is hard to sift through what is truth for what is bullshit. Example..... I had some tbol left from last year's test e/tbol cycle I did. I started doing the Google search and found a lot of people who say they ran tbol only with success. There were probably more that said don't run it without a test base, but I was just looking for a little boost and figured I could get it from the tbol. Besides that I have a friend who is a power lifter and he told me the way the German Olympic athletes would cycle tbol, so I figured I would run it for a month @ 60mg and follow it with a pct of 28 days of clomid @ 50mg.

Needless to say this was a big mistake and I don't have to explain to any of you why that is. Now that I am a member here I know better, but the point is that just the quick Google search and listening to a respected buddy aren't gonna cut it. I think you have to be here and reading everyday to start to get a good understanding of what's going on and how things work.

Another thing that has come to light for me recently is the whole blood work thing. Until I became a member here, I didn't know about private MD labs etc. And the thought of using my insurance or the VA to have bloodwork done probably would not have been a good idea.

Again I'm only speaking for myself here, but I'm just trying to give you some perspective on some reasons why people are and will be ignorant on this subject. I try to delete my history every time I log on to this site. I'm afraid I'm going to leave this open and my kids or Co workers will see it. Another reason why I stayed off these forums for so long.

Just my $.02
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