New member
I seriously doubt it if you think anyone other than tiny doses and 12 week or shorter cycles is "irresponsible" or even more laughable, "unsafe."
First off, as someone said above, this isn't that big of a cycle at all, and this board if fucking weird for advocating cycling in the first place.
Well, thank you, but to answer your question, I had no idea this was a cycle-only kinda place. I had heard it was a good/hardcore board but seemingly it isn't. No offense.
I seriously doubt it if you think anyone other than tiny doses and 12 week or shorter cycles is "irresponsible" or even more laughable, "unsafe."
I seriously doubt it if you think anyone other than tiny doses and 12 week or shorter cycles is "irresponsible" or even more laughable, "unsafe."
TEST E : 1000mg 12 weeks 250 mg for rest
TREN ACE : 700mg 10 week only 100mg ed
DBOL : 50mg for 1 month for max outs
Boldenone : 200MG for whatever it take to only help my joints and soft tissues. (Do not want DD because I don't want to add weight)
There are things missing from this cycle. Where is your caber? Where is your AI? And what about on cycle support?
Rather unfair to judge everyone here based on a couple responses as, for instance, I myself have been 'on' since March.
Maybe you should define "hardcore"?
There's a completely different conversation on "good/hardcore". Is hardcore = good? ;-)
I don't understand, your post in regard to hardcore doesn't even make sense. Looking at your posts above ^^^ something about you and what you are trying to say is way off base, unfounded and IMOP and quite inane.
just curious as to how many cycles you have done?
I seriously doubt it if you think anyone other than tiny doses and 12 week or shorter cycles is "irresponsible" or even more laughable, "unsafe."
Fair enough, but all I see is cycle stuff, and the actual phrase "blast and c***se" is censored. I mean, what does that tell me?
Okay, what's unfounded or inane about it?
None. I've been blasting and c***sing for the past three years straight. If you're really curious, I've done the following in that time:
test p
test e
tren ace
mast p
I'll be trying dbol for the first time in November. Long overdue, right?
Anyway, I'd like to think that would answer the question you were really asking by asking me how many cycles I've done: "Is this guy experienced?" I would think yes.
1. Blast and C r u i s e is not censored . The word c r *** e is part of another word and initial that we really want left out of O'logy for reasons beyond your understanding.obviously since you are once again OFF BASE.
2. Your comments as to hardcore do not make sense as others are asking you to define and basically What do you mean... hence Inane...look up the word, it fits your comments. I am not the only one here responding to your posts on this thread...Hello
3. what do you mean Dbol long overdue. There is no protocol for users to follow when they use or experiment and put to use for them any particular compound. AS a matter of fact a guy could use ONLY Test for years, many, many cycle and never use another compound and when he does it would not be overdue... hey another inane comment .
4. Bragging about the use of several , many compounds in your case means nothing as to knowing how to cycle correctly. Anyone can just stack up all kinds of steroids and know nothing as to what they did or did not do ( effects). A general idea of how many cycles a guy has done is a question that is curious to us all when they speak so adamantly about knowing something. Pleas take a step back try to be objective and re-read your posts here on this thread and listen to others responses. NOT JUST MINE.
IMOP if i came on board and was asked a general Q as Milton's, to support my background i certainly would not spout out all an every compound i did. It comes off reckless. Maybe a better reply would be OH about # ? in so many years . Then maybe one or two cycle example complete with my protocol. This would go along way to your credibility and example of where your maturity and cycling knowledge lies.
So I hope I have shed some light on my comments along with hopefully others. Sometimes take a look at the "likes" from experienced vets and the prominent O'logy members as to how they might agree with someone's post.
Good Luck with your endeavors, bud.... OMM
PS: Listen i think i speak for all O'logy members when i say we don't like to run anyone off when they are experienced well read and can offer good mature credible input so we all can learn. So look back and try to use a bit more tact with some explanations of what you mean and or coming from. OMM
Do you have autism? Serious question.
Hey thanks for trying to understanding. Seriously I tell you my IQ and intelligence level so exceeds even the few geniuses on this board that sometimes it appears I am the handicapped. AH ha ha haaThe reality as you have shown us here is you have not the ability to understand what is being told to you and not only from me but the others that have addressed your posts. A few asked for your definition of just the word "hardcore" be it that no one is in tune with you, hence you don't understand anyone and it seems to frustrate you.
Your self admittance of all these compounds and the need to TRY more thinking that something not experimented with is overdue in your AAS use career shows abuse and not a good understanding of how to use AAS safely.
We invite you to stick around and learn something. DO some reading and ask us some pertinent Q's letting our experienced and more educated vets help you.
Good Luck and welcome to reality.![]()
Do you have autism? Serious question.
Yep, you're an autist.
And nope, I don't think I will be sticking around. Be sure to tip your fedora to me on my way out.