why shoot when u can take a pill?


New member
i was just curious do you get the same effects when shooting as you do when u take a pill? i found this website xxxxxx.com and they have a stack of deca, dbol and tren. is this a good stack and what are the downsides to taking a pill.
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Orals pass through the liver twice and I personally wouldn't advise it. But people head the warning and go through with it anyway. Whats all the fear about pins?
really? against the rules. mods? this guy is an idiot

Easy Bro, Do you remember your first post and the countless amount of questions you had. I'll admit mine wasn't all that bright. Everyone starts at the beginning. Haven't met anyone yet who started in the middle ....as experience goes. The amount of posts don't mean your new or old at the game either.
wasnt referring to his question as much as his disregard for forum rules. i also think there is some basic knowledge you should acquire before you begin starting threads that take up space.

but i agree with you.

nick please dont do roids. please do a lot more research and train naturally until you learn more about training and dieting. and im sorry if i hurt your feelings

I edited his post. Nick, in the future please refrain from posting names of websites like that. And to answer your question, theres no such thing as Tren in a pill and that site is a complete scam. I suggest you spend some time reading the stickies in the training and diet sections.
estray you have grown into such the patient and understanding mod. Lol...Good advice and for the record I think you really are doing a grate job...

And nick my 2 cents if I may....For example Winstrol which does come in a pill form and off course an injectable..The injectable in most cases will always be the better way to go...And also for the record Deca as well does not come in a pill form..You should start reading the steroid drug profiles and start learning what things are and what they do. Also read these posts and look at the questions guys are asking and read those that look interesting to you and see what the feed back is that they get from everyone...Welcome to Ology to by the way....It's a grate place were people know your name. Kinda like cheers...
Simple answer, injectable breakdown straight into the blood, pills have to be passed and broken down through the liver. Pills are much more toxic for you and as stated above not everything can be taken in pill form.

I didn't see the thread before it was edited but I am assuming the products you are talking about have to be some kinda of pro-hormone/"legal steroid". Either way it sounds like you need to do some more research before doing anything.