Wieght loss after surgery


New member
Hi folks, hope someone can help me out.

Last april i had an opperation to remove my right lung since the opp i have dropped to under 7stone and look like shit, i have been trying to put on wieght with no success, due to the type of opp i cant really do any cardio exersice but have been doing wieghts to keep toned but i really need to bulk up as quick as i can, i would be most greatful for any advice :)

Thanks, nina
Without trying to state the obvious eating more is your answer.
Try to eat 6 times a day, small meals as opposed to large meals less frequent.
Work on a 60/40 carb/ protein split and you can supplement a couple of
meals with a protein/carb shake if you struggle to eat.
I dont think you need much cardio at all at your weight. I think you will find your answer in the proper diet and it never hurts to hit some weights. There is a diet forum here, and you can also hit up 3j here on the forum. He would be very helpful as long as others here.

Hope you can get back on track.

Welcome as well.
Also keep a positive frame of mind and try not to worry about your weight because this can have
a negative effect when trying to gain weight (loss of appetite etc) hope this helps