Will 1 Month Of Use Be Safe?


New member
Hello, I am 19 years old and am 5'10, 130lbs. I wish to gain about 10 to 15lbs in 1 month.

If I run on Super Mandro and use a PCT, will my body be alright afterwards? I do not wish to continue taking steriods after and will workout to keep the gains. I just want to break away from my skinny body in a short amount of time.

I'm afraid of the side affects... but I hear positive things about super mandro, what do you guys think?
you have no business doing aas at your age of 19. and your 130 pounds. wow.
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you just need to learn how to eat. spend your money on high quality food.. come up with a good massing program. post it up on the diet forum and your training on the training forum . food and training are key factors , if you don't have those dialed in, steroids are a waste anyways.
and at 130 lb body weight its evident you do not have your nutrition or training dialed in.
There are tons of pro-hormone supplements out there. I have yet to see one worth taking. At 19 years old, you should be able to grow by eating right. If you aren't growing, eat more. If you feel that you need to lean out, do cardio. If none of this works, check your diet then check out your workout plan and adjust it.

I shoveled a lot of crap down my throat when I was that age. I never found a magic supplement that I could say actually made me gain muscle. I will say this, I remember when I took massive amounts of creatine at one time and noticed that it gave me a pump. It gave me inspiration to work out harder because I got addicted to the pump. Even then, the idea motivated me but it definitely didn't make me grow. It was all about my workout and eating.

If you want to spend money on supplements, buy a ton of protein powder and/or amino acids(FOOD). This is the only thing out there that is guaranteed to make your hard work pay off.
Too directly answer your Q's , fooling around with Pro-hormones and or steroids at age 19 is not safe and you just need to learn how to eat and train. Now that's what all these guys have said, so we might be right.

Hey James,

You can gain over 30 lbs in less than 2 months without roids:

Drink a gallon of whole milk (with the red cap) per day in addition to the solid meals you are eating now. That will add 2400 calories to your diet per day. And lift weights at least 3 times per week. No need at age 19 to take testosterone injections because your test levels are super high at age 19.

Low testosterone is not the reason you are 130 lbs. THe reason is a lack of calories and of heavy weight training.

Save the roids unti you are over 25 years old. Just GoMad will give you 30 lbs, I promise. I gained 18 pounds myself just in this month that I began (And I was only drinking 75% of a gallon). And I am almost 40 with much lower testosterone than you have and I have never done an AAS cycle.
Hey James,

You can gain over 30 lbs in less than 2 months without roids:

Drink a gallon of whole milk (with the red cap) per day in addition to the solid meals you are eating now. That will add 2400 calories to your diet per day. And lift weights at least 3 times per week. No need at age 19 to take testosterone injections because your test levels are super high at age 19.

Low testosterone is not the reason you are 130 lbs. THe reason is a lack of calories and of heavy weight training.

Save the roids unti you are over 25 years old. Just GoMad will give you 30 lbs, I promise. I gained 18 pounds myself just in this month that I began (And I was only drinking 75% of a gallon). And I am almost 40 with much lower testosterone than you have and I have never done an AAS cycle.

well said as well hope OP pays it some mind.