Will Growing an Epic Beard make me stronger on my first cycle? Picture attached


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Ok, now that I have your attention...

--Feedback from the Veterans would be appreciated--

This is going to be my first Cycle and I just wanted to get a little advise/feedback, I have been reading and researching for about 5 months now and this is what I have planned so far.

First and foremost grow an epic beard...

35 years
Been working out for 15 years
10% bodyfat

I have been working out for years and have never really tried to gain a lot of muscle, justed wanted to stay slim/ripped, but now the time has come, I want to gain at least 20/lbs of muscle and keep it.

Here is the cycle that I have planned so far, any feedback would be appreciated, I have already purchased everything I just want to make sure I have all my ducks in a row before I start...


-Weeks 1-10 300mg/ of Test E. twice a week 600/mg a week(pin Sunday and Wednesday)
-Weeks 1-10 200mb/ of Equipoise twice a week 400/mg a week(pin Sunday and Wednesday)

Optional (Should I wait for the second cycle?)

-Weeks 1-4 40-50mg/pills of Turinabol daily (Save for second cycle?)

post cycle therapy (pct) (14 days after last test pin)

-Weeks 12-16 50mg/pills of Clomid daily
-Weeks 12-18 20mg/pills of Nolva daily for 2 weeks and 10mgs/pills of Nolva daily for 4 weeks


-ARIMIDEX 20 pills/1mg (half a pill? When needed?)
-Aromasin 12.5mg two bottles at 60 pills each (one a day? Or one every other day? Weeks 1-10 or during the post cycle therapy (pct) as well?)

Thanks allot any suggestions will be appreciated...

O by the way here is the beard, I'm going to grow it for a full year this is 3 months worth, I feel stronger already...

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--Feedback from the Veterans would be appreciated--

Should I be taking HCG for this cycle?

Just wanted to make sure I have a good first cycle set up here...anybody?
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I appreciate the feedback, as for the EQ its a blend with the Test E., I was informed it will help rebuild/strengthen joints, tendons, and ligaments.

How does the rest look?

I appreciate the feedback, as for the EQ its a blend with the Test E., I was informed it will help rebuild/strengthen joints, tendons, and ligaments.

How does the rest look?

So u saying there is 500mg's of gear per mL? That is going to hurt like a bitch!!! Never heard such bro... EQ is good @ 600-800mg's for 14-18 weeks, from my experience. Test will bulk you up if your diet is clean. Never tried Tbol, no comment. My fav cycle test e, tren a and a little deca for 14 weeks.

PCT 2 weeks after last inject... Nolva 40/40/20/20 or Torem 60 mg/ED for 4 weeks (i prefer) and aramosin 12.5-25 mg's ED to EOD for 4 weeks. Adex during cycle as needed .25mg's eod.
If you are trying to put on 20 pounds in 1 cycle I think something better could be in place of the eq. Maybe deca. Especially since the eq needs to be ran longer than just 10 weeks which was already said above

Yes, 500mg's of gear per ml, and your right my buddy is already doing the same cycle and he says it hurts like a bitch after he injects...But o well, wont make that mistake next time.

Yeah plan on eating like a beast, shit ton of protein and lots of complex carbs...

What about the Aromasin? should I start it day one? 12.5-25 mg's ED to EOD, or should I wait a week for the Test E. to be in my system?

Thanks for your feedback, I hope to be posting some before pics soon...

The EQ is already pre-blended with the Test E., so I'm stuck with it...

I was going to run Turinabol with this cycle but from what I have been reading the experts say don't stack too much on the first cycle so I will probably save it for the second cycle...

What about the Aromasin?
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Aromasin 12.5-25mg's eod during post cycle therapy (pct) should be fine. If you start to feel down, lethargic, moody, blah, blah... hold off for an extra day or two.
I plan on running Aromasin 12.5-25mg's ED or EOD, Weeks 1-18, but should I start day one as soon as I inject? or should I wait a week to start? more like Weeks 2-18?

Also from what I understand I don't need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for this cycle? Test E. not hight enough? Is this correct?
if you have adex, use it on cycle. use aromasin during pct, or during cycle 12.5 EOD. see how you feel. go from there. adjust dosage.
Here are my results from about 2 years ago first cycle gained around 10/lbs of muscle, pretty good results, noticed I lost some of the gains down the road.
Would be interested in doing another cycle but just want to gain lean mass (that stays)nothing crazy any suggestions?

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Bro test only for a first cycle and you can use low doses and get wonderful results.

200mg a week. 500 iu hcg twice a week

Maybe I'm just a hyper responder to test. What is more likely is the majority think more more more it's better you need more.

Also I get my gear from the pharmacy so if you are gettng underdosed gear you would need more
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