winny 12.5 mg cycle


squat queen
24 yrs old

last week 150 1/2 lb

bi's 12 1/2

quads 21-23

hight 5'7

cycle time , the past 6 mt 12.5 mg of test 2 weeks on one week off
side effects min , so far ???
working out for the past 3 year's

new weight in on 8/13 before 12 noon
thanks for starting a female cycle log . please keep it up so other females can benefit from your experience . :)
Today I worked out chest. weighned 150

Last night Hiked 8 miles

Off cycle this week acne was getting out of control. Started taning again and help clear up the acne

Incline Press 105 3 sets burn out then droped down nexy 4 sets

fly 15 free weights 2 sets burn out

decline press 135 burn out 2 sets

daily protein intake goal 225 shakes and all the live food I can eat!

eat every three hours

gal water
Is acne the only side effect so far??? If you start to get a tickle in your throat I would stop it immediately... or if you start to experience any clitoral sensitivity... Let us know how it goes...
she is taking Winstrol (winny) 50 mg tabs that have to be broken down to here dose very crude at best , she targets 12.5 every third day . she has all the side excet hair loss .
the sides are very small at this point in the game , she toned down here dose from
12.5 per day to evry third day . i know this thur personal email's and i hope sh doesnt mind me speaking for her .
thinkandgrowrich said:
she is taking Winstrol (winny) 50 mg tabs that have to be broken down to here dose very crude at best , she targets 12.5 every third day . she has all the side excet hair loss .
the sides are very small at this point in the game , she toned down here dose from
12.5 per day to evry third day . i know this thur personal email's and i hope sh doesnt mind me speaking for her .

Cool. This threw me off.

cycle time , the past 6 mt 12.5 mg of test 2 weeks on one week off