Winny anvar nolva arima clen


New member
Hi guys! I keep getting MIXED reviews on this cycle. Is there any scientific experts out here who aren't biased?!?!?

I know it'll be harsh on the liver--Pre-loading with liv52 and taking throughout

I would really like to do this stack, 50% are saying its a good stack and just monitor my levels OTHERS. Are saying add Test with just the anvar and a post cycle therapy (pct).

16 weeks with week 7 off....winny 50mg Anvar 40mg while taking clen arima and nolvadex.... Was maybe even thinking going just a 90 day????!!

I am gyno sensitive... 27male

Thoughts ???????
It sounds like an awful cycle to me. Test should be the base for any cycle. You should research awhile and know what you're doing before you start. What are your stats?
Sorry man, that's a bad cycle. Search oral only cycles. Read the stickies. Stick to just test for your first cycle. Var and Winnie are finishing compounds. Winstrol (winny) also really should be injectible. Oral versions of things lose their potency and effectiveness since they must pass through the liver.
What are your stats? Height, weight, cycle history, etcetera?
You get mixed reviews because it's a bad cycle. Two orals and no test make for a bad relationship with your liver. Are u afraid of pinning?
yea a little afraid of pinning since im gyno sensitive was thinking and doing a ton of reading that i could use these two and not worry bout gyno.

is it the same if i throw in some natural test like daa with a Winstrol (winny) or Anavar or Both?

5'8 170 27 male lifting hard since 21 and involved in many sports which is another reason why i read these would be good. I understand that orals are hard on the liver but was hoping i could combat that somehow????

ive done a beginners cycle a while back and really just wanted to stay away from test. IS THERE any WAY AROUND THAT?
i have this gear in hand and havent started yet, waiting to for a month or so didnt think id get it this fast. if theres a way to TWEAK it im game i dont want to kill my liver...think if i told my doctor this he would be able to help? not reall sure if thats a dumb question or not....
Do not tell your doc, it will go on your record and can come back to haunt you. If anything you need to just run a basic test cycle. Hold off of the orals for a later cycle.
yea a little afraid of pinning since im gyno sensitive was thinking and doing a ton of reading that i could use these two and not worry bout gyno.

is it the same if i throw in some natural test like daa with a Winstrol (winny) or Anavar or Both?

5'8 170 27 male lifting hard since 21 and involved in many sports which is another reason why i read these would be good. I understand that orals are hard on the liver but was hoping i could combat that somehow????

ive done a beginners cycle a while back and really just wanted to stay away from test. IS THERE any WAY AROUND THAT?
Yeah, don't do AAS.

Sorry man, but as a male you need testosterone to function properly. If you're scared of needles, I suggest you look into creatine and whey. They won't mess you up and are effective for putting on lean body mass. Gyno worries are understandable, but with the proper use of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) - you have little to fear.

By the way DAA won't do jack shit for you. Even if you weren't suppressing your HPTA with anabolics, you're looking at a few points gained - which isn't enough to do anything.

My .02c :)
Dude, just do 100mg of Test Cyp a week. Drop the Winstrol (winny) add Turnabol 20mg 16wks. Anavar 60mg 16wks.
Then when all the esters are cleared Nolvadex 20mg 4wks and Clomid 50mgs 4wks. If you don't like clomid then Nolva 40mgs 2wks then 20mgs the next 2wks. Simple as that.
if you fear da big ass needles use a slin pin. That low of test can be shot wit it. You can heat the test up by putting the bottle in a coffee cup with hot water for faster shot.
Thanks guys for all the info as I try to decipher threw this shit and helping me better myself

Clen + Winn50 + Var + Test-600x
Would it be better to do something of this sort?!? Since you guys are saying I Need the test

This is an oral stack from a website and I've seen this same oral stack on quite a few diff sites.
I know oral makes it weaker not as potent but since I'm looking for somethin milder in the end anyways-wont that kinda fit what I'm lookin for???
Also does it change the delivery system If i crush it into a powder and throw it back with some water?
Any reputable places I can get some test faster then 2-3 weeks? Possibly oral as well.

Not sure if this questions aloud in the forum...
Any reputable places I can get some test faster then 2-3 weeks? Possibly oral as well.

Not sure if this questions aloud in the forum...

it isnt allowed. there's plenty of thread with a ugl name on this forum you can DEFINATLY search for an hour and find at least 2. also just inject yourself, its no big deal. Its hard the first couple times but it becomes easy afterward. For your gyno, just buy arimidex or aromasin and run it through your cycle.
Drop it all except for the test. All you need is test, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), nolva/clomid, and hcg if you wish. Wait until your next cycle to throw in an oral compound.
i have ANAVAR and WINSTROL and CLEN on Hand as well as PRO Hormones Epi 2a3a and Halo v.

Can i take Halo V and epi 2a3a for 4 weeks and then add on the Anavar for 4 more weeks. While taking Nolva and Arimadex for the full 8 weeks?????

I was going to cycle clen somewhere in here not sure where yet.
I am GYNO SENSITIVE.....I dont have any TEST and have been burned twice on 2 dif sources to run it with a Winstrol (winny) or anavar.

I have all my pct and on cycle support