Winny in PEG


New member
Recently read that putting Winstrol (winny) in peg or any powder for that matter will make it unavailable for digestion and you will pass it out of your system without absorbing the drug being carried.
Anybody have any solid info or studies on this???
You can use PEG but a lot of people would rather use better things.... i have a recipe for whinny in PEG...but i think i have decided to just cap it.
I had one legit study on PEG digestion.

Case in point, and will always come down to this. Why do people insist on using a solvent that has even been rumored to hinder absorption when there are many better alternatives anyways. I feel like the PEG activist group is here to keep that shit in the public eye.
DougoeFre5h said:
I had one legit study on PEG digestion.

Case in point, and will always come down to this. Why do people insist on using a solvent that has even been rumored to hinder absorption when there are many better alternatives anyways. I feel like the PEG activist group is here to keep that shit in the public eye.

No activist for peg just wondering if any studies have been done yet on lets say Winstrol (winny) for example.
I have found that as soon as Winstrol (winny) in peg touches virtually any other wet substance especially like ice water in your mouth it drops out of solution in a flat second so wouldn't it stand to reason that the hormone is leaving this carrier behind and settling out into my stomach.
Sorry bro just like purely clear Winstrol (winny) in solution.
If you have any other way to put Winstrol (winny) into oral solution 100% clear and I will back your anti-PEG banter immediately cause it tastes freakin horrible!
I'm on this board for information not to ruffle feathers.
Anyway, olive oil would be cool if i wanted a floating particle suspension which is an inaccurate way to dose.
I want everything completely dissolved and by the way no matter how hot i get viagra in vodka it won't melt and hold either FYI.
any way to dissolve either Winstrol (winny) or viagra completely would be greatly appreciated.(besides peg or in viagra's case anyway at all to dissolve it).