Winstrol Equipose Cycle


New member
At the end of this week im going to begin my 2nd cycle. This fall had I had completed my first cycle Test/Trenbolone. Now Im working on hardening and cutting. Could some of you fill me in with your input and suggestions. Besides adding a hour of swimming 2 days a week, Im moving my workouts from heavy 8-10 reps to lighter higher reps of 12-20. In the 4-5 sets I will do 1 of them heavy to maintain strength. For the cutting cycle im gonna do 50 mg of winstrol inject for 8 weeks ED, and Equipose 600 mg injects first 2 weeks and drop to 400 mg the next 8 weeks inject.
I started little later then expected, im at the end of my 2nd week I switched the amount of times taking Winni, im doing 50mg inj EOD and 450mg of EQ once a week mix both on the beginning of each week and winni alone on the other days, i can feel the stamina on the eliptical and swimming as well as with the higher reps. I feel everything tightening, i'm just curious bout the painful joints i've been hearing about.
Equipoise (boldenone undecyclenate) was created specifically for equine use (horses). Often used in racehorses to increase performance during training phases, EQ increases red blood cell production, thereby increasing oxygen uptake. As an androgen, it causes maximum muscle gain in the shortest duration, It’s also used as a weight gain compound for emaciated horses or to step up testosterone production in stallions. This drug can produce monster strength gains and tremendous muscle when taken in a 2cc dose 2-3 times per week.
Im going on my third week and its been goin well, I take 1cc of winstrol 3 times a week, tuesday, thursday and saturday. on tuesday i combine 2cc of EQ in with 1cc of winstrol. I 'm beginning to notice hardening in my quads, pecs,delt's, Tri's and Bi's. Im also able to get higher reps on my back and hams Ive lost 9 lbs. in the last week, some of the folks at the gym say that i look as if im trimming down in my mid section and neck, others say my traps delts look a tighter. My goal is is to trim my mid section and reduce body fat as well as get down to bout 250-260lbs. I get hormonal therapy: test eth. 300mg every 2 weeks, been on for 2 years, last january the specialist took me off until june for 6 months to see if my body would produce enough without it. I blew up to 312 lbs. and was miserable as hell. During that time i didnt excercise; from last winter until june. After a couple months of just swimming i did 4 week cycle of dbol as i got back into the weight room then just continued with the test eth., then middle of sept i did 10 week cycle of trenbolone eth. Gained good strength i had a few weeks left but stopped because my cardio was stripped down. I was sweating like it was raining;even when i was sleeping. So, I waited til recently and started this stack. Im down to 282 lbs. Im feeling great about the progressive that i have made, I would recommend this stack.
Im at the end of my 6th week for taking winni. The last 2 weeks I mixed tren at the end of the week (Thursday) with injection 1cc each, as I continue to add 2cc of E.Q.with the winni at the beggining(Tuesday) and 1cc on (Saturday) by itself Yesterday was the end of the winni. Starting Tuesday I will continue by adding the tren 1cc with the E.Q 2cc once a week. I had great results to thus point, I slipped on my weight cause I slacked on my cardio for a couple weeks and was noticeable on the scale. I had dropped my weight all the way down to 267lbs. but gone back up to 279lbs. I incorporated a carb count mon.and fri.150g of carbs tues.400g wens.500g thurs.300g sat.-sun.50g I stuck with the eating regime and it helped alot but cardio is definate a must to keep shedding, Im very satisfied with the out come another 4 weeks of tren and six weeks of E.Q. Strength has improved as i have trimmed my abs and obliques. My traps, delts, quads, chest and back all have tightened and become veiny cardio has definately improved, especially in comparison to taken tren with test last fall. Mixing the tren with the winni hasnt changed the cardio, am able to run on the eliptical for 45 minutes then swim for 20-25 minutes.
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