Im going on my third week and its been goin well, I take 1cc of winstrol 3 times a week, tuesday, thursday and saturday. on tuesday i combine 2cc of EQ in with 1cc of winstrol. I 'm beginning to notice hardening in my quads, pecs,delt's, Tri's and Bi's. Im also able to get higher reps on my back and hams Ive lost 9 lbs. in the last week, some of the folks at the gym say that i look as if im trimming down in my mid section and neck, others say my traps delts look a tighter. My goal is is to trim my mid section and reduce body fat as well as get down to bout 250-260lbs. I get hormonal therapy: test eth. 300mg every 2 weeks, been on for 2 years, last january the specialist took me off until june for 6 months to see if my body would produce enough without it. I blew up to 312 lbs. and was miserable as hell. During that time i didnt excercise; from last winter until june. After a couple months of just swimming i did 4 week cycle of dbol as i got back into the weight room then just continued with the test eth., then middle of sept i did 10 week cycle of trenbolone eth. Gained good strength i had a few weeks left but stopped because my cardio was stripped down. I was sweating like it was raining;even when i was sleeping. So, I waited til recently and started this stack. Im down to 282 lbs. Im feeling great about the progressive that i have made, I would recommend this stack.