winter bulk cycle(deca test e dbol)


New member
hey everyone .. this is my second cycle first was (test e dbol cycle)
age -24
current weight -170 lbs (lost about 15 lbs in last two months )
bf - 13 percent
height - 5.9
training exp - 5 years

my self made cycle
week 1-10 test e 325 mg /week (as i have 325mg 10 amps )(cant get more than dis )
week 1 - 8 deca 200 mg / week (is the ratio deca to test e good for avoiding deca dick)
week 1 -3 dbol 20 mg/day
arimidex -.25 mg eod (need suggestion whether to increase to .5 eod for this amt of test e and dbol)
week 5 - 11 hcg 500 iu/week(or 250 iu per week need suggestion)
i also can get caber 50mg but dont know whether i should run it or not

for post cycle therapy (pct)
nolva 40/20/20/10
clomid 50/25/25
hcg ???

diet not a prob
abt 4500 calories
300 grm protien
500 grm carbs
some good fats

guys i need to ask whether this cycle would work or not my last test e dbol cycle did not produce significant gains (only 17 lbs )and i was able to hold only 13 lbs after post cycle therapy (pct)
may be bcoz of less free testosterone as i have high estrogen and sbgh and the dosage was only 325/week for 8 week
so this time i want to run deca as it has less affinity for sbgh and more anabolic ..
thanks in advance
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1. You need to run this cycle longer to get your moneys worth. Run deca 14-16 Wks and always run Test 2 weeks longer than deca. Also, run Dbol 6-8 Wks.

2. Your compounds are fairly under dosed. Since this is your first test/deca cycle, I recommend this---->Test@600mg/Wk & Deca@300mg/Wk. Also, Dbol@50mg/Wk.

3. Run Arimidex@.5mg/EoD. I like to start my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) 2-3 weeks into my cycles.

4. Run HCG@250iu-500iu E3D throughout can start at 250iu and increase if needed. Quit taking about a week before you start post cycle therapy (pct).

5. Get Prami and have it on hand...if you keep your E2 in check via Arimidex you should be fine.

6. Your post cycle therapy (pct) needs to be corrected. Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20 & Clomid 100/100/50/50/50 ( I prefer to post cycle therapy (pct) for 5 weeks when stacking compounds)

Here is an example of what I think your cycle should look like....

Week 1-14: Deca@300mg/Wk
Week 1-16: Test E@600mg/Wk
Week 1-6: Dbol@50mg/Ed
Week 2-16: Arimidex@.5mg/EoD
HCG@250iu/E3D up until 1 week before post cycle therapy (pct)
post cycle therapy (pct) starts 14 days after last Test E injection
Nolvadex: 40/40/20/20/20
Clomid: 100/100/50/50/50
thanks for ur reply rosco
but i have 2 3 points i need cleared up
1. 14 16 weeks would be too long dont u think and may be more suppression on my hpta
2.also u have wriiten 50mg /week of dbol if its week den its too low i think and if its day den its too much as my liver values are just below upper normal ..and i m taking a lot of ancilaries like clomid nolva,arimidex ,
3.i have heard running running hcg for too long can be bad ..only last half is beneficial and may be start of post cycle therapy (pct) as it can suppress the hypothalamus by overproducing more test ..
and brother i need some advice for my arms also as they are not growing with the proprtion of my other body part
reasons may be
1 long bone lenght
2 endurance type muscles( means slow twicth i think)
3 insertion point is big
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and should i use proviron ...for freeing up test as my natural free test is only 50 and range is 50 to 224 with the total test of 580 range
300 - 840
thanks for ur reply rosco
but i have 2 3 points i need cleared up
1. 14 16 weeks would be too long dont u think and may be more suppression on my hpta
2.also u have wriiten 50mg /week of dbol if its week den its too low i think and if its day den its too much as my liver values are just below upper normal ..and i m taking a lot of ancilaries like clomid nolva,arimidex ,
3.i have heard running running hcg for too long can be bad ..only last half is beneficial and may be start of post cycle therapy (pct) as it can suppress the hypothalamus by overproducing more test ..
and brother i need some advice for my arms also as they are not growing with the proprtion of my other body part
reasons may be
1 long bone lenght
2 endurance type muscles( means slow twicth i think)
3 insertion point is big

1. I wouldn't even bother taking Deca for anything under's such a waste. Your HPTA is going to be suppressed almost instantly and be completely shut down within the first few weeks, so this point is invalid.

2. That's 50mg/Day, not 50mg/Week. I wouldn't bother with anything under 40mg/ simply will not see favorable results, if any.

3. HCG, when taken over extended periods of time at high doses, can become desensitized...but this simply is not the case at these dosages. Take the time to read...

Biceps are tricky and typically stubborn for many people. Give us some details on your routines.
i have tried 3 types of routines every three months
first bicep tricep same day low reps till failure range (8 -12)
second bicep and tricep on different days low reps till failure same range
third bicep tricep different days high reps 10 - 16 till failure tried drop sets super sets
i thinks mainly its the recovery which is lacking bcoz of less free test
and its not that my arms dont grow they do ex my last test e dbol cycle 12 weeks my arms grew 1 inch
i have tried 3 types of routines every three months
first bicep tricep same day low reps till failure range (8 -12)
second bicep and tricep on different days low reps till failure same range
third bicep tricep different days high reps 10 - 16 till failure tried drop sets super sets
i thinks mainly its the recovery which is lacking bcoz of less free test
and its not that my arms dont grow they do ex my last test e dbol cycle 12 weeks my arms grew 1 inch

Try dropping the the rep range to 6-8 with heavier weight. No more than 3 sets per workout...EZ bar curls, hammer curls, reverse EZ bar curls & concentration curls.
Make sure your form is 110% perfected as well, I see way too many people getting bad results due to bad curling form.