Women Anavar (var) + Clen cycle


New member
Women Var + Clen cycle

This is my first time on Anavar and/or clen. I got 60 50mg var's. I'll be splitting the Anavar (var) and taking 25mg in the morning. I also do and compete in Brazilian jiu jitsu so I'm curious to see if it'll give me that edge/strength. I'm adding the clen to hopefully help lower my weight on the scale too.

Main goal is to get my muscles more harder lose all the stubborn fat and I'm hoping the Anavar (var) will add some kind of veins. I don't know but I always wanted veins.

Diet is all clean and I work out a lot. Going to use this to keep track of my cycle so feel free to follow me and advice is as always appreciated!!

Wed 4/26--- 25mg var
Thurs 4/27--- 25mg / 80mcg Clen
WHOA...Id start with 20mcg or 30mcg and monitor your heart rate as you go, to feel it out before you jump right into it. Any previous experience with either one? 80mcg is high for women. I dont know about the veins for ya, depending on you BF%. But it will harden ya up for sure. and clen will sure do the job on the "stubborn fat". Someone else jump on this woth more knowledge than me and help her out...Im no expert, but I will say, 80mcg=too high. Anavar (var) dosage looks fine. But if possible try to split your daily dose into two seperate times. Morning and evening.
I'm thinking 25mg Anavar (var) might be a bit much. Maybe someone else can chime in, but I think 10-20mg ED is standard. As for clen, meh... I think the stuff is evil and actual fat loss is minimal. I would spend my $$ hiring 3J and carb cycle for 9 weeks, you will lose a ton of BF% and not have any bad effects from "stimulants". My .02.
I'm thinking 25mg Anavar (var) might be a bit much. Maybe someone else can chime in, but I think 10-20mg ED is standard. As for clen, meh... I think the stuff is evil and actual fat loss is minimal. I would spend my $$ hiring 3J and carb cycle for 9 weeks, you will lose a ton of BF% and not have any bad effects from "stimulants". My .02.

Definitely agree from experience on carb cycling oppose to clen. I've done both nothing can beat hiring a dietion to loose bf...