Women taking testosterone


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Is it a good idea for a woman to take testosterone injection just wondering my wife says she would like to try a low dose to build some muscle and tone up... my question is how much ? Test p or e and how many mg per week.. any opinions good or bad about it or cycle advice and side effects that could be involved in low doseage?
I know some women taking low dose test...it does help, but you have to be careful about virilizatiin. Everything I've seen (and in the case of those I know who are pinning), no more than 60mg test E every 5 days. In the case of the person I know, she pins 1/4cc of Test E 250 every 5 days, and makes great gains.... That will bring a woman very close to the upper range of the natural test levels of a woman in her early 20s over a 10 day period. Make sure that she realizes that she will probably have her period (whether she is due or not) within about 3 days of her first pin....so I've been told by those who know...
A woman with a deeper voice than me is a turn off. Just saying. A short half life is better. Orals are good. If a problem comes up, you don't have to wait long for it to clear.

A few years ago I knew a woman who used winstrol 10mg of 5mg I can't remember which. Start low. I would be nervous even with test prop.
I know some women taking low dose test...it does help, but you have to be careful about virilizatiin. Everything I've seen (and in the case of those I know who are pinning), no more than 60mg test E every 5 days. In the case of the person I know, she pins 1/4cc of Test E 250 every 5 days, and makes great gains.... That will bring a woman very close to the upper range of the natural test levels of a woman in her early 20s over a 10 day period. Make sure that she realizes that she will probably have her period (whether she is due or not) within about 3 days of her first pin....so I've been told by those who know...

I think that is too much. Start low. Something like 20mg/week. A 20 year old woman's natural test only gets up to about 70ng/dl. For comparison, many men use 100mg/wk for TRT.

Maybe consider Anavar instead.
My wife has been on testosterone cypionate for a year and a half, and 20mg (5'7", 125lbs) puts her at about 135ng/dl, which is still supraphysiological for women. We started her at 35mg which had her in the 300's, and she started to worry about clitoral growth and voice changes.

After several months of experimentation, we settled at 10mg subcutaneous injections E3.5D, which didn't give any negative side effects, and zero suppressive effects. We still keep a vigilant eye to make sure everything is moving in the right direction without any unwelcome changes.

I advise that if you are serious about this, that you not only CLEARLY explain the potential side effects to her (some are PERMANENT), and that you're both willing to take the proper steps in establishing a proper dose with blood work regularly.

Tron is right in that anavar is a far safer alternative if you KNOW it's truly anavar you're giving her. Just remember, it's one thing to mess ourselves up - quite another to mess up the woman in your life. She may not be so forgiving if things go wrong.

My .02c :)
not into chick s with clit dicks crooning Barry White

do var unless u got access to lot s of labs as u gotta do THAT just right...no coming back from an oooops.
i would say to tell her use anavar or primo. I am told that ones are good for women to have less side affects
What about T-bol for women? Just curious more than anything
You're going to be hard pressed to find a dose small enough, unless you buy the raws and cap them yourself. I've seen some labs that do it in liquid form, but the concentration for tbol is usually 100-150mg/ml, so you'd need a very precise oral syringe.
There is a woman that I work with & she is running a light dose of test I will ask her about. Her voice & features are still feminine. She mentioned something about a large man whisker popping up here and there but other than that she looks totally hot always mellow and seems to have the whole world by the balls.
You're going to be hard pressed to find a dose small enough, unless you buy the raws and cap them yourself. I've seen some labs that do it in liquid form, but the concentration for tbol is usually 100-150mg/ml, so you'd need a very precise oral syringe.

You can get 10 mg tabs of oral turanibal from a popular lab on this site.. What would be a good dose for a female , 10 mg a day ?
You can get 10 mg tabs of oral turanibal from a popular lab on this site.. What would be a good dose for a female , 10 mg a day ?

Tabs? I'd probably start at half that just to be safe. Caps, I'd be hesitant to start that high, but if she were game - I'd go for it.

Welcome back Roush! :)
Tabs? I'd probably start at half that just to be safe. Caps, I'd be hesitant to start that high, but if she were game - I'd go for it.

Welcome back Roush! :)

Yeah, "tabs" .. "blotters" "squares" You know, psychedelic Tbol man ;)

Been on sabbatical out of the game,, had an incident and an emergency surgery towards the end of my last cycle, wasn't able to train or do shit for awhile
I'd be more inclined to take the safe option and go for Anavar... but... and this is key... you MUST be sure it is actually Anavar!

'Var is more often than not switched out for D'Bol, and that could be catastrophic!
Very solid discussion all round.

I'll echo Mega's recommendation not to go over 20mg/week with test and, like HW, I prefer Test C as far as esters go.

Anavar is the usual first choice for most women. You start off at 5mg per day (split into 2.5mg 2x day) and go from there depending on sides.

I'm personally becoming a bigger fan of primo by the day, its very good for achieving that bikini comp look and, outside of hair thinning for some women, the negative sides are non-existent. But, like var, you have to be careful to get legit primo.
At 10-50mg/week, split dosing E3D, 12-16 week run....most women get very nice, lean results :)
Yeah, "tabs" .. "blotters" "squares" You know, psychedelic Tbol man ;)

Been on sabbatical out of the game,, had an incident and an emergency surgery towards the end of my last cycle, wasn't able to train or do shit for awhile

Sorry to hear that buddy. Hope everything is better now. :)

(was aiming more towards tabs being pressed pills with uniform concentration throughout vs capsules that are mostly filler and may have uneven distribution of hormone in each half of the capsule)