Iron Giant
New member
I try and keep my resistance workouts to 50 min max (this does not include stretching, warmup or cooldown). This usually equates to me finishing a workout in an hour, if it goes past that I'll cut it short and take off at the 1hr mark. As for muscle groups, I tend to train 6-10 sets depending on the muscle. As an example of my leg day - I will Olympic Squat or Dead for 2 heavy working sets of 3-5 and go on to perform 3-4 sets of another (usually unilateral) quad dominant exercise (total 5-6 for quads), followed by 3-4 sets for the posterior chain/glutes (total 5-6 for hamstrings/glutes) and some grip work (total 3-4 for grip). Then I have 20min of conditioning work, such as tire flips, sprints, box hops, shuttle rune, etc. which all work my legs in a explosive/dynamic fashion. This day is usually a touch longer (1hr-1hr15min), but it ends with cardio so no big deal.
I have had good results in the past from a traditional bodybuilding split of Back & Bi's/Chest & Tri's/Shoulders/Legs/Arms/Off/Off, but this is a lot of volume and easy to overtrain on. I will most likely save this split for when I'm on gear and keep my current 3 day Heavy Upper/Off/Heavy Lower/Off/Hypertrophy Upper/Off/Off schedule until then.
You can add more volume on cycle, just don't go nuts with it is what I'm told (my first cycle will be this fall). Fats should be 20-25% of daily calories, so at 25%: 3,600cal = 100g fat, 3,800 = 106g fat, 4,000 = 111g fat, etc, etc.
I have had good results in the past from a traditional bodybuilding split of Back & Bi's/Chest & Tri's/Shoulders/Legs/Arms/Off/Off, but this is a lot of volume and easy to overtrain on. I will most likely save this split for when I'm on gear and keep my current 3 day Heavy Upper/Off/Heavy Lower/Off/Hypertrophy Upper/Off/Off schedule until then.
You can add more volume on cycle, just don't go nuts with it is what I'm told (my first cycle will be this fall). Fats should be 20-25% of daily calories, so at 25%: 3,600cal = 100g fat, 3,800 = 106g fat, 4,000 = 111g fat, etc, etc.