Workout routines

I try and keep my resistance workouts to 50 min max (this does not include stretching, warmup or cooldown). This usually equates to me finishing a workout in an hour, if it goes past that I'll cut it short and take off at the 1hr mark. As for muscle groups, I tend to train 6-10 sets depending on the muscle. As an example of my leg day - I will Olympic Squat or Dead for 2 heavy working sets of 3-5 and go on to perform 3-4 sets of another (usually unilateral) quad dominant exercise (total 5-6 for quads), followed by 3-4 sets for the posterior chain/glutes (total 5-6 for hamstrings/glutes) and some grip work (total 3-4 for grip). Then I have 20min of conditioning work, such as tire flips, sprints, box hops, shuttle rune, etc. which all work my legs in a explosive/dynamic fashion. This day is usually a touch longer (1hr-1hr15min), but it ends with cardio so no big deal.

I have had good results in the past from a traditional bodybuilding split of Back & Bi's/Chest & Tri's/Shoulders/Legs/Arms/Off/Off, but this is a lot of volume and easy to overtrain on. I will most likely save this split for when I'm on gear and keep my current 3 day Heavy Upper/Off/Heavy Lower/Off/Hypertrophy Upper/Off/Off schedule until then.

You can add more volume on cycle, just don't go nuts with it is what I'm told (my first cycle will be this fall). Fats should be 20-25% of daily calories, so at 25%: 3,600cal = 100g fat, 3,800 = 106g fat, 4,000 = 111g fat, etc, etc.
I should mention, when I train 1 body part per day in the traditional body building fashion I still only perform 6-10 sets per muscle, which is usually 3-4 exercises.
Your diet and workouts don't need to change dramaticly when your on cycle. If your bulking eat over your maint. If your cutting, eat a deficit. Train like an animal all the time, on or off cycle. I workout 5 days a week for around an hour each session. I would not be recovering from that if I wasn't eating a big healthy amount of food already. Start hitting that diet asap and pick a good workout plan and start before your first pin.

I personally am running a modified version of phat. It combines 2 heavy days at the beginning of the week and 3 hypertrophy days at the end of the week. I like it pretty well. Nice change of pace from the old 5x5 and GST that I did for so long.

As far as fats I always use .45-.50g of fat per body weight for a rough estimate. Then I shoot for 1.5g+ of protein per lb. Rest of my macros are filled with carbs and change depending on my goals at the time. This has always worked best for me but I am by means no expert, just a lot of personal trial and error.
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Cool. Thanks again. Ill do my best and i look forward to posting before and after pictures and using ology to keep everyone updated. Still a bit nervous bout my first pin, but it will b worth it.
Cool. Thanks again. Ill do my best and i look forward to posting before and after pictures and using ology to keep everyone updated. Still a bit nervous bout my first pin, but it will b worth it.

use all the good advice above to help u...

only thing I would recommend is to leave out the prop... there is NO benefit to running the prop for only the first month, it will create unstable blood levels and that is NOT what u need on your first cycle
You are smart for coming on here first and asking questions. Always suprised me how many people do little to no reasearch and jam a needle straight in their thigh/ass wherever. I was lucky enough to have a friend do my first pin. All we had at the time was a .22g 1.5" but once I felt the needle go in and realized how little pain there was I immieditely felt better. After that first time I had no problem pinning myself with a 23g. I still get a little shaky but just did my 5th pin yesterday and have absoltely no PIP today. Good luck to you sir and I agree with the above post, drop the prop and just run Test e/c for 10-12 weeks at 250mg twice a week.