WWE's No Mercy


New member
Well, another ppv has come and gone. I have to say, I really enjoyed this one. The fact that they used all Smackdown talent was very cool in my opinion. The first match was an awesome opener with Tajiri and Rey Mysterio Jr. I love Rey Mysterio's wrestling style. He's so quick and agile and always brings something new to the match. Keeps it fun to watch. Actually you know, all the matches were fairly decent in the ppv in my opinion. The only one that kind of sucked was the I quit match between Stephanie and Vince McMahon. We all knew that she was going to lose as her and Triple H are getting married this coming weekend. I do have to mention how jacked Vinnie Mac is!!!! He was freakin huge! I couldn't believe how big he was !!!! The Big Show vs Eddie Guerrero match was also very entertaining with Big Show coming out winning the belt. Oh and the Kurt Angle/John Cena match was awesome too! I love watching these two wrestle each other. They are both great athletes and it shows in their matches. They are always flawless. I was glad to see Angle win the match.
The final match of Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker was also very entertaining with Brock coming out on top. For two big men, both of them can move really well in the ring.
Anyone else watch it and what were your thoughts?
Babyfaced Assassin said:
u do know it's fixed don't u? ;)

Only poking fun hon u know it's all good ;)

lol....of course I know it's just entertainment!
You have to admit though hun, they do put their bodies through a lot!
They are on the road 300 days a year. Their bodies don't get to rest. I give them all the credit in the world for what they do. :)
i totally agree
I have no quarrel with the wrestlers and what they do but i dispise the way the wwe treat their audience as if they are stupid or something.. oh well maybe it's just cos im a cynical brit ;)
Babyfaced Assassin said:
i totally agree
I have no quarrel with the wrestlers and what they do but i dispise the way the wwe treat their audience as if they are stupid or something.. oh well maybe it's just cos im a cynical brit ;)

It's all in the name of sports entertainment!:)
i remember the days when i absolutely loved wrestling but i just dont seem to like it anymore it just seems to be too much mouth and no trousers compared to the old days, too many side stories revolving around barbie doll bimbos and what not.
Babyfaced Assassin said:
i remember the days when i absolutely loved wrestling but i just dont seem to like it anymore it just seems to be too much mouth and no trousers compared to the old days, too many side stories revolving around barbie doll bimbos and what not.

lol...barbie doll bimbos:)
hehe couldnt really find anther way to describe it
buit ersiously
some of them have gone a bit OTT with the surgery no?
Babyfaced Assassin said:
hehe couldnt really find anther way to describe it
buit ersiously
some of them have gone a bit OTT with the surgery no?

well, i guess that's more marketable in their eyes.
ahh, a female wrestling fan who is hot... nice!!

I recently moved and lost my PPV access :( I heard that No Mercy was pretty weak, all things considered. Hopefully Survivor Series will be a bit better. Looking like some good matches being set up.