X% ba hurts...really??


New member
The thought that certain % solvent ratios are painful is a little absurd. If you think that you can tolerate 3% ba but not 5%, Id tend to think that your just regurgitating something you read on a message board.

My point: Go ahead and shoot 100%ba into your bicep, but only shoot 1/10cc. It wont hurt, in fact youll never even know you did it. It is the total volume that makes the difference. The % ba or bb will make a difference mind you, but so little imo, that its negligable.

Whats the correlation between high %ba and pain then? We cant deny personal experience. Well, high %ba usually means more ba, if not always. Simple as that...more volume.

"over 15% bb hurts" No, I disagree. I have prop with 22%bb and 2%ba sitting pretty...and its as painless as low dosed enanthate.

In fact the bb is your protection against "crystalization in depot". When you aim for the lowest solvent ratios possible with hormones that have high melting points, your working against yourself. With a high melting point, a hormone injected into your ass will be in solution with the oil, ba and bb (assuming you used these three solvents/co-solvents). The ba is first the leach out, its much more water soluble than oil soluble. If you chose the high bb route, your hormone wont crash as soon, if at all in depot. Just ask Upjohn.
i know guys who had gotten absesses who will shoot 5ml of ba into the absess. wait 5 mnutes then draw off the junk with a 18g pin and a 10ml syringe. the ba helps to break down the junk and make it easier to draw out. does the ba kill the bacteria? some but not all. is this painfull? wtf you think? =0) is an absess painfull? =0)

nice post dougo.
A mere 1cc of juice in my quads, twice nearly disabled my ass man. If thats not low volume I dont know what is.

I'm talking, painfull to bend my leg, can barely walk, swollen 2 inches more than normal size so my pants bairly fit kind of shit.

Yet, dumb that down half way with some sterile oil and I am ok. So how does total volume do it? Because if I'm reading you right, my body isn't acting much like yours.
im definitely feeling mudge on this one as ive recently had this same problem once in each quad. damn near had my ass paralyzed.
i have never liked quads. i wont do them or bis. delts, pecs and glutes seem to have the least pain for me if a shot was gonna be painful.

not 100% sure what dougo was referring to by volume but i know its normally the hormone that causes the discomfort. higher concentration gear (high for the ester) is noramlly the culprit. you have a higher volume of hormone per ml. whish means the oil/carrier is less by volume.

as far as volumous shots go right now i am doing 6ml 2xw in the ol ass cheeks. thats 12ml total per week. 3.8g/w of hormone. thats the beauty of long ester gear. if i was doing short ester/NE i would be doing 38ml/w or so. and spread out eod or ed. thats a lot of poking. i did it for a long but got tired of it. now that tren E is out i doubt ill ever do short ester gear again, less thats all i can get. :)
Mudge said:
A mere 1cc of juice in my quads, twice nearly disabled my ass man. If thats not low volume I dont know what is.

I'm talking, painfull to bend my leg, can barely walk, swollen 2 inches more than normal size so my pants bairly fit kind of shit.

Yet, dumb that down half way with some sterile oil and I am ok. So how does total volume do it? Because if I'm reading you right, my body isn't acting much like yours.
I was directing this more towards the people who think 3% is ok, but 5% is gonna kill them. By cutting with sterile oil your cutting the concetration (mg/ml) of the juice, and I think we can all agree that 200mg/ml tren ace will murder you, while 100mg/ml is generally ok....and thats the difference between a straight shot of 1cc, and cutting with 1cc.