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My t400 crashed again the next day after It cooled. So i heated it again and I just mixed it with my tren ace solution. Not a problem since .
My t400 crashed again the next day after It cooled. So i heated it again and I just mixed it with my tren ace solution. Not a problem since .
trust do you know how long it takes for light to alter the molecular structure? i made mine sitting out melting in some water and forgot about them. i hope they are still goodKeep in mind each products have a different melting point. To damage a molecule like testosterone, that has a melting point over/approx 100 degree celcius (220 F+) you would have to apply tremendous amount of heat to break the chemical bonds that keeps the molecule structure together. These solutions are made at those temp. So heating them up to the level of temp they were actually created will not damage the products.
There is one thing that can and will damage the molecules, it is light. There is an affinity between electrons and light. With enough light, chemical liaisons may change in the molecules. Making a different molecule, making it loose its potency. This is why all medicine should be kept in a dark place.
trust do you know how long it takes for light to alter the molecular structure? i made mine sitting out melting in some water and forgot about them. i hope they are still good
trust do you know how long it takes for light to alter the molecular structure? i made mine sitting out melting in some water and forgot about them. i hope they are still good
Hey guys,
I have seen a lot of bro's getting worried because of crashed solutions.
I decided to make a little tutorial on how to get your precious gear back!
First of all, let me explain what is a crashed solution.
The gear is made out of powder (the hormone) and a liquid part (the oil, bac, solvents).
The physics behind this is that a liquid will put into solution solid particles and make a homogenous solution up to a certain amount.
The quantity of solid particles that can be held into an homogenous solution is in direct relation to the liquid (the solvent) temperature.
In other words, the hotter the liquid is, the more solid particles it can hold. This is also true the other way around. The colder the liquid, smaller will be his solvent properties.
Now lets take the AML t400 that i used in this tutorial.
In a 10 ml vial, there is 4 grams of testosterone. That is a lot of powder to fit into a small vial/solution.
Under normal conditions, the liquid can hold the 4 g of powder in an homogenous solution.
However, if your test bottle temperature drop, so will its capacity to hold solid particles.
Lets say, for example, at water freezing temp, the t400 liquid can hold only 1.5 g of particles instead of 4.
That means 2.5g of solid particles will HAVE to come out of the solution. They will form crystals in your solution. This is what a crashed solution is.
All we need to do when this happens is heat up the solution to get it back to its ''normal'' solvent capacity (in this example 4+ g per 10 ml)
There is also the solvent thing.
All labs will use solvents added to their oils, so the total solvent capability of the solution will be increased.
Some labs use more then others. The more solvent used, the easier it is to have solutions withstand cold weather.
However these solvents are harsh on our body, at the injection spot. Those solvents will melt plastic when in its pure form!
AML uses half the solvents of what most labs use btw. This is why most of their products are so smooth to inject. The downside of this: AML high concentration products, like the t400, may easily crash in cold weather.
So i made this tutorial on how to get your solutions back!
So heres what i did: I took 2x 10 ml T400 i had, and put one in my freezer overnight. I had removed the labels for the purpose of this tutorial. So here you have 1 crashed T400 and one that is fine:
To get it back, it is real easy and it takes about 5-6 minutes: I put my crashed solution on my coffee maker heat plate (max temp)
Here it is after 1 minute. Notice how the bottom is coming back nicely.
After 3 minutes:
4 minutes :
Now heres a little trick...when you see its halfway back...shake it nicely! It will look like this. The purpose of shaking is to distribute heat more evenly and to separate the crystals.
Another minute and BAM... its back.... Can you tell which one was crashed? I cant..
Keep in mind that crystallization of the hormone is a PHYSICAL change, not a chemical change. So potency and quality is not affected. Just like you can turn water into ice and back numerous times...
I know this is obvious for a lot of us, but i thought this tutorial would benefit a bunch of less experienced users!