Overrated? Sure is. Just like %99.9 of everything else out there making big promising and delivering small, or temporary, results. Please trust me, as I spent ages as a newbie putz falling for any marketing strategy out there.
And Xyience has an excellent marketing strategy: hooking up with the UFC was a stroke of genius. You may find yourself enjoying a product or two of theirs: NOX-CG3 did seem to give my workouts a boost, but not all that much compared to no supp at all. Certainly not enough of a bump to justify the price.
See, my boxing coach put it this way: do you honestly think guys like Chuck Liddell got as ripped up, pumped to f***, hard as rock, from using Xyience products? Give me a break. Of course he uses them now: he gets as much of it as he wants for free. Do you think he'd be spending his money on it, thinking it was some secret to success? I doubt it.
Some dude in a labcoat saying, "Yes, after years of tests we have finally been able to release . . ." Nope. Better places to put your money: food, boxing lessons, whatever.
I know some people swear by these products. It's a psychological thing; I had convinced myself that there was no way I could get an extra rep or two on my max without (special product). Found out finally not true at all.