Xyience over rated?


New member
Every since the debut of UFC on national television they have really been promoting xyience protein shake's.....Is xyience over rated and over priced because of this fact....Is it worth the money?
of course its overrated and overpriced, but a damned good marketing scheme. On that, I must say, props to xyience.
Overrated? Sure is. Just like %99.9 of everything else out there making big promising and delivering small, or temporary, results. Please trust me, as I spent ages as a newbie putz falling for any marketing strategy out there.

And Xyience has an excellent marketing strategy: hooking up with the UFC was a stroke of genius. You may find yourself enjoying a product or two of theirs: NOX-CG3 did seem to give my workouts a boost, but not all that much compared to no supp at all. Certainly not enough of a bump to justify the price.

See, my boxing coach put it this way: do you honestly think guys like Chuck Liddell got as ripped up, pumped to f***, hard as rock, from using Xyience products? Give me a break. Of course he uses them now: he gets as much of it as he wants for free. Do you think he'd be spending his money on it, thinking it was some secret to success? I doubt it.

Some dude in a labcoat saying, "Yes, after years of tests we have finally been able to release . . ." Nope. Better places to put your money: food, boxing lessons, whatever.

I know some people swear by these products. It's a psychological thing; I had convinced myself that there was no way I could get an extra rep or two on my max without (special product). Found out finally not true at all.
Think about how much money they spend on marketing. Their products are all over UFC comercials and in every magazine.

Now, who do you think pays for the marketing?

YOU DO when you buy their products.

That is why I use Trueprotein. Their marketing is "word of mouth" which costs them $0. In turn, you don't pay inflated prices so they can say "The Ice Man Chuck Lidell chooses Trueprotein ;) "

MuscleTech works the same with with Marketing. .... Cell Tech is 37363% better than regular creatine.
Dude props to Xyience getting with UFC that was smart, there is better stuff yes but you like companies that think. That being said your paying more for that marketing so go to a site sponsor like supplement-ology and get the same stuff that Liddell doesnt personally sponsor.