Yes, another first cycle question...


New member
Hey guys, new Canadian to the forum, everyone here seems quite knowledgeable on all things steroids so I'm excited to get your input. *Be warned there will be a few really noobish questions flying around here.*

So as the title would describe I'm seriously considering my first cycle of Test E or C ONLY which that seems to be the wisest starting point for any noob. I have been lifting for the the better part of a decade with minimal gains regardless of caloric/ protein intake or lifting techniques, I CAN gain weight, but the fat to muscle ratio is entirely too high, and frankly I much prefer to be lean year round.

My first question pertains to the dosage someone as small as I am should be taking on a weekly basis. My stats are:

Age: 24
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 145lbs
BF%: Single digits

I figured Id pin 250mg weekly for 12-16 weeks depending on my gains closer to the end. I realize more is better when it comes to testosterone, but being new and given my stature Id like to play it safe (though in reality I have no idea what the hell my doses should be).

Secondly, given that I'm new to this scene I haven't had a great deal of contact with users, I have one individual who I'm fairly confident will be supplying me with quality products as he has been using the same stuff. How much should I expect to be paying per 10cc vial?

Last question (for now) as far as a post cycle therapy (pct) goes I know some of these substances aren't easy to get your hands on, does anyone know of an over the counter post cycle therapy (pct) that's widely available which also works?

Thanks in advance, Jeeves.
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@ 145 your a little lite so diet may be a concern remember all the gear in the world is unless if your not eating enough with that being said, 250 a week is a very low dose and wont produce much results im all for being conservative but 500 a week is the standard and has proven to be a good dosage, can't talk prices on an open forum but you can check out websites all over and at least get an idea, as for post cycle therapy (pct) our sponsors rui has great reviews and fast shipping..good luck
Thanks for the reply Kaiser, Im aware my diet needs adjusting, Ive been on a maintenance diet for months now during summer. Im aiming for 3000+ cals once on gear as Im sure my body will soak it all up with little fat gain. And thanks for the post cycle therapy (pct) reference.
So Ive decided to do the recommended dose of 500mgs and run Letro with it just in case, Ive read running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during a cycle will interfere with gains but Id feel a little more comfortable having it in there.

My question pertains to the dosage of Letro. Is running .25mgs/ed for the full duration of my cycle a good dosage to keep sides down?

Also for my PCT it seems Nolva is at the top of the list or pretty close. So I figured 40mgs/ed for the second week off my cycle and dropping it by 10mgs per week till my PCT is over?

And is bi-weekly shots recommended with Test C? Or can I simply do weekly, to be completely honest Im not completely up to pinning myself that often.
Hold off on the cycle right now bro.. get your diet in check look at the diet form on here and get advice its all free and 3j is the man at it.. he helped me a lot and made a huge difference on my lifting.. 145 u can get a solid 20 pounds with diet just has to be done right and starting a cycle with no proper knowledge on nutrition you will just loose all of your hard earned gains when your cycle is over.. and be back to square one.. keep us updated so we know whats going on.