You might be a bodybuilder if...


Will of Iron
Some of these are painfully true. Enjoy:

You have a savings account that will later be used for "Gyno" surgery.

You strategically place your hands on objects to secretly flex your muscles.

You know that watching your muscles while lifting is not an ego trip.

You have 85 sets of "before and after" shots of yourself posing.

You have learned how to shake your quad and then magically snap it into a mass of shredded muscle.

You think of the Hulk every time you hit the "most muscular pose"

You get on peoples nerves because you stink up the office with eggs and tuna.

You wonder how big you look to other people.

You now have a tiny head.

You're the only guy lifting on a holiday.

You're one of the 10% lifting on the weekend.

You eat all the turkey breast deli slices at social work functions.

You realize that lunges aren't for sissy's.

If you have ever used posing oil for other then it's labeled use

You use the term "Guns" to describe your arm size.

If you have ever taken a picture with a famous bodybuilder and he's pointing at "YOUR" Biceps.

You grab a vertical bar and stretch your lat's during each back exercise break.

You eat oatmeal by the pound.

If your weight goals are: 180 in 1 year, 220 in 2 years, 250 in 3 years and
275 in 4 years.

You see the word low-fat 42 times a day on your food.

You know to lose fat, you have to eat, not starve on salads.

While at the pool or beach , you hold a continual flexed ab pose.

While at the same pool or beach, you hold a relaxed lat spread as you walk around.

You seem to make everything that you push or pull on, an opportunity to
flex "By Mistake".

Your drinking actions are secret flexed hammer curl sessions.

You don't have to wear pants all of the time because you did your squats.

You think that if you take more than 1 day off from lifting, that you will
lose 5 pounds of muscle and that your bench will drop 40 pounds.

Your wife/husband or girlfriend/boyfriend said that, "That's Big Enough"

Your 4 year old does hammer curls as he brings you your carb drink.

Your company news letter has a piece in it about your last placing.

You have more competition trophies than family pictures.

Your buddy had to pay an extra $200 to get your Tux altered so that you could be his best man during his wedding.

You set aside 2 hours a night to prepare tomorrows meals.

Because you need a dress shirt with an 18" neck, the rest of your shirt looks like a hot air balloon.

It only takes you 11 minutes to food shop.

When you go out on the town, you wear skin tight shirts.

You could challenge Paul Newman to an egg eating contest.

You can convert kilos into pounds without a calculator or chart.

You think more about Bodybuilding than sex during the day.

You wish that your gym had bigger dumbbells.

You eat more veggies than a vegetarian.

You think, know and believe that politics make competition placing.

All you wanted to do was "Tone up a little", and now look.

You have tried to win a Bodybuilding "Before and After" contest.

Your New Years Resolution was to gain another 30 pounds.

You have a "love/hate" relationship with your leg days.

People talk to your biceps instead of your face.
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