Your experiences with ALA/5-HTP??


Hey y'all...I was just wondering what your experiences (if any) are with using things like ALA and 5-HTP while trying to lose fat. I've been searching the forums for other threads, but thought I would ask myself just to see...I guess I'm looking for personal experiences rather than, uh...research stuff? Does that make sense? What doses do y'all use? I read that 5-HTP will help with appetite suppression, but it can also make you sleepy, so take before bedtime - will it still help with the suppressing effects during the day??
hey wannabejarhead have you heard that 5-htp can help fat loss? i dont know but i have taken it to try to restore seratonin levels in my brain .sorry i cant help just wondering like you .
dude thanks for the info im trippin on that, thats totally cool i got a big ol bottle that im gonna start taking again WANNABEJARHEAD IS THE MAN
OPPS sooooooooooooooooo sorry, my bad i should try to read past the name next time. I am sorry again WANNABEJARHEAD, i did that on the phone yesterday i called a lady sir but she really sounded like a man but still it sucked i felt bad